Update: Fmr Oakland Park Comm Shari McCartney Running For Broward County Commission
Shari McCartney, a former Oakland Park City Commissioner, has kicked off a campaign for Broward County Commission.
McCartney filed papers to officially begin running for northeast Broward seat now held by Commissioner Chip LaMarca, who is running for the state House.
Shari McCartney
The timing of the move by McCartney, a Republican lawyer, could be partially financial. She will have an opportunity to sew up some support in the Fort Lauderdale business community before the entrance into the race of Democratic Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jack Seiler.
Seiler is leaving the mayor’s office in March, 2018 and running for county commission is one of the options he has been exploring.
The District 4 seat contains 50,435 Democrats and 39,571 Republicans. But the 35,162 other voters have leaned Republican in county commission races, helping one-time Broward Republican Chair LaMarca hold the seat.
An immigrant (from Canada), McCartney was an activist in the Democratic Party for a short time, but it was long enough to become leader of the Young Democrats through her own hard work. She now back to where she started when she moved to this country — a Republican.
She’s not a carbon copy of the Broward Republican Party. She backed GLBT rights in Oakland Park.
A lawyer with Tripp Scott, McCartney practices health care law and does some government law, too. Her connection to the GOP powerhouse firm, headquartered in downtown Fort Lauderdale, should enable her to be financially competitive to Seiler, if he decides to run.
LaMarca filed papers on October 3 to run for state House seat now held by term-limited state Rep. George Moraitis. The commissioner jumped in the House race three days after McCartney began her campaign for his District 4 commission seat.
Candidates other than Seiler may jump in once LaMarca makes an official move to leave the seat.
In her statement below, McCartney says her campaign will emphasize three issues that are among the most notable in northeast Broward: Traffic problems, high taxes and the rising tides.
September 29th, 2017 at 12:53 pm
If i was Mayor Seiler i would file to run asap.Mayor Seiler.s best opportunity awaits him.Go for it Jack….
September 29th, 2017 at 4:45 pm
Go beat that old mayor, girl!
September 29th, 2017 at 5:28 pm
Congratulations to former Mayor McCartney on her announcement. Her professionalism and “result-driven approach” will be appreciated on the County level.
As for Seiler, i bet he is thrilled that Cell Block E non-voters have his back. His tenure as Mayor has been riddled with public relations disasters and policy failures.
September 29th, 2017 at 5:36 pm
Ms McCartney best of luck to you, if Seiler is your only obstacle I wouldn’t be concerned,
he’s not fit for dog catcher after the disregard for the public as Mayor.
September 29th, 2017 at 6:27 pm
Good luck ,she will win.
September 29th, 2017 at 10:37 pm
Make no mistake although a good opportunity for Mayor Seiler potentially seeking a seat on the county comm. Is not going to be easy.First and foremost this seat currently held by Chip Lamarca has done a great job.If i were him i would sit still.There is no reason for Chip to jump seat.That being stated what Mayor Seiler will have to deal with is this district has alot of Ft.lau residents,which the majority are not to happy with this ft.lau comm.Sewer break after sewer break(another one today Andrews and Broward).Where Seiler will run into heart burn is with the angry voter.What the Mayor take,along with mayoral canidate Comm.Bruce Roberts is yes the city manager raided the sewer and water acc.(over 100 mill)so they could keep the mill rate the same without raising it.My counter the mill.rate went up regardless because property values went up.Hence you pay more.Another spin well its all the city atty.office(yes) that Cynthia Everett and staff taking to long to review pending sewer work etc.So the spin is we blame the city atty.She will go along with this to safe her contract.(she is the scape goat-huge gamble because if she says no way,nice try you blame …Mr.Feldman).So Seiler needs to trend carefully.He will have a hard time with the angry voter.So these issues will over shadow him.Enough for him to lose-maybe.Mt advice dress to nines.Keep coloring that hair.He will raise big bucks.Plenty if tv ads and most importantly he brings out the gift of the Irish.Which he possess.His legsl work could be an issue….I wish Mayor Seiler well….
September 30th, 2017 at 1:26 pm
Did you get the poll put. out by Charlotte Rodstrom that showed Seiler’s name recognition and approval ratings were through the roof as were Charlotte’s?
Shari resigned as Mayor Oakland Park to move to Fort Lauderdale with Seiler as Mayor. Pretty obvious she saw the move as an upgrade for her and her family. Hard to walk that back.
I’ve heard about the poll. Before lending too much credence to any poll, it is vital to know the methodology, the sample size and the questions.
October 1st, 2017 at 6:04 pm
With respect, i had a different take. The new County Commission Candidates strengths and accomplishments are Seiler’s failures.
Bringing people together: SEILER FAIL
Address our traffic problems: SEILER FAIL
Operational efficiencies: SEILER FAIL
Reduce the tax burden: SEILER FAIL
Take on rising tides: SEILER FAIL
We should welcome Shari to the District and hope her positive accomplishments continue at the County level. We need Broward to continue moving forward.
October 2nd, 2017 at 5:05 pm
I doubt there will be any McCartney/Seiler showdown. McCartney works at Tripp Scott, Seiler’s daughter was just hired at Tripp Scott. A plan, collusion, maybe, showdown doubtful.
October 2nd, 2017 at 9:59 pm
Ms. McCartney has left unstated her positions on numerous very important issues…
1) The Seiler-backed “The Wave” streetcar boondoggle. Will McCartney unconditionally do everything possible to drive a fatal stake through its heart?
2) The Seiler campaign of hate and intolerance against homeless people and the religiously / ethically motivated people who help them avoid starvation. Will McCartney reverse the homeless hate laws, or will she make them even worse?
3) The infamous “Seiler Snooze” when citizens present their input at public meetings. Will McCartney listen thoughtfully and give citizen input serious consideration?
4) Fort Lauderdale is an appallingly overcrowded city because commissioners like Jack Seiler despise the poor and fellate the rich, doing everything possible to enable fat-cat developers to build, build, build without having to respect the appropriate impact limits and without having to pay the full amount of the impact fees needed to pay for all the infrastructure costs generated by their new construction. Will McCartney impose all the strict and vigorously enforced controls on developers that Fort Lauderdale has desperately needed for many decades now? Or will she just roll over and play dead when developers complain about not being able to pave over every square inch with skyscrapers or about having to pay even a tiny fraction of their fair share of impact fees?
October 3rd, 2017 at 1:44 pm
Shari McCartney is a leader that works to bridge divides – party, social, economic. She is a moderate Republican who excels at working for the common good, regardless of party, as does current Commissioner Chip LaMarca. This liberal Democrat is proud to support her!
October 3rd, 2017 at 2:03 pm
Here is the latest headlines highlighting the continued incompetence, indifference and lack of leadership by Mayor John “Jaqueoph” Seiler et al, time to clean house!
People urged to avoid some city waterways due to leaked sewage – Sun Sentinel
http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fort-lauderdale/fl-sb-lauderdale-sewage-waterways-20171003-story.html 1/2
People urged to avoid some city waterways due
to leaked sewage
October 16th, 2017 at 5:43 am
And Seiler is still the most popular politian in Ft Lauderdale.