Update: Early Voting Pix No. 3




This is the third group of pictures early voting submitted by Browardbeat.com readers:


(From the top: School Board member Heather Brinkworth’s son Daniel, 7, campaigns for his mother;  Broward Democratic State Committeeman Ken Evans handing out literature for Circuit Judge Steve Feren; Judicial candidate Jonathan Kasen, wife Sharon and their son at a polling place; State Rep. Katie Edwards leaves West Broward Library early voting after casting her ballot; Judicial candidate Andrea Gundersen speaks to a voter outside a polling place; state House candidate Steve Perman gives a voter his flyer and Circuit Judge Steve Feren greets a voter.  Click on photo to enlarge.) 







ken Evan campaigning



Andrea Gundersen


Steve Perman use this one







Steve Feren at African American Library








8 Responses to “Update: Early Voting Pix No. 3”

  1. Sweat stains says:

    Candidates never get it, bring extra shirts to change very couple of hours, get a golf shirt, do whatever you have to do to not look like sweaty mess when handing out your lit….

  2. Righteous Bob says:

    Voters should know now that Feren is not a Yale student. He got his degree from Kaiser University by mail and the City of Sunrise paid for it.

  3. Eastman Kodak says:

    Why do the last three pictures have a strange yellow tint? Can’t you take a picture, Buddy?


    I did not take any of the pictures. They were submitted by a Browardbeat.com reader.

  4. Dissappointed Voter says:

    My wife and I voted at the Coral Springs Library yesterday. The system worked flawlessly and there was a very light turn out. What was not flawless was the gauntlet of electioneering that we had to run through to get to the polls. This wasn’t electioneering it was being accosted and it was both unpleasant and off putting. We literally had to tell these people to leave us alone! Really.

  5. Joseph Miller says:

    Righteous Bob has obviously never worked a poll in SoFla in August. When it’s 90 outside and feels like 110 it’s kinda hard not to sweat. Sure extra shirts help, but come on.

  6. please says:

    Highly doubt Feren was out in the sweltering heat this weekend in a shirt and tie greeting early voters.

  7. Bowl says:

    To “please”:

    That’s why the photograph is yellowed, it’s from when he ran six years ago.


    Ha ha ha.

  8. Layne Walls says:

    I know early voting is going no where — it is here to stay but I really think for a primary it is a big waste of money. Yes it worked as it should when I went yeaterday. My husband I were the only ones voting CR mall — 6;30 PM — and there were about 15 employess standing around. County wide less than 8000 people have voted . Primary voters are super voters — we will vote. It does not have to be early — I would just have gotten an absentee since I’m not going to be able to vote next week.What a waste of money!