Early Voting Pix From Readers: No. 2




Here are more pix taken by Browardbeat.com readers of early voting:


 (From the top: Judicial candidate Claudia Robinson and her daughter outside a polling place; a plane towing a banner advertising judicial candidate John Contini flies over Broward; Campaign volunteer Caroline Penland campaigning for Circuit Judge Steve Feren at the Emma Lou Olson Civic Center, Pompano Beach; a team of volunteers for School Board candidate Bob Mayersohn outside a polling place and volunteer Frank Leonardi campaigning for County Commission candidate Beam Furr. Click on pix to enlarge.)



Claudia Robinson and daughter Tamarac LibraryBetter Banner shot for ContiniFeren campaignCampaign BreakBeam Furr Second




(Candidates, campaigns, volunteers, consultants and anybody else: Send your best photos of campaigning right through the November 4 General Election to Browardbeat@hotmail.com.)







4 Responses to “Early Voting Pix From Readers: No. 2”

  1. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    It is nice to see all the turn out so far in early voting(I envoy you). I also have to point out the injustice that people in Broward County district 2, in thE fact that you have been disenfranchised(can’t vote for your county comm. elect until Nov)because the Elections supervisor Dr.snipes and esp. her staff just can’t get their act together(“flying fig” huh Dr?-will see. She just does not get it in regards to her editorial to the Paper. When are you going to realize the magnatiude of your actions. This court procedding (recent) was not only a show cause hearing but rather a legal attempt(Grand wizard) to put you in jail. Again you not only inconvienced the dis.2 residents but because of your personal feelings towards certain canidates(more like their spouses)and your and your staff’s pursuit to harass certain or certains canidates. This is not over. (BULLETIN-‘TO MY GANG OF 13′(DPW-FT.LAU-HANG IN THERE, RELAX, SIT TIGHT , I WILL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR CLAIMS I RECEIVED THE PACKET(SHARP LAW FIRM).

  2. Miles says:

    Claudia Robinson has gotten almost no attention during the campaign. Unfortunate, since she would make a fine judge.

  3. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    In regards to my above comments less than 24hrs. ago(I am that fast-) alot has been happening. This “gang of 13”-DPW Ft.lau have retained )Att.Chris Sharp. He is doing citizens Presenation Tuesday night. Several employess(13) have retained him to represent them. According to Mayor Seiler he stated to Att.Sharp to come forward as he knows nothing about their complaints/issues(which is true because he hires/fires no one except for charter members.) So Att.Sharp is doing a presentation to make the comm.aware of the “gang of 13″ issues. They are stating(see email from Jun4,or5-which was sent to me via mail over the weekend) that they are being harassed etc. There is presently an OPS investigation. Speaking of OPS ,let them do there investigation and then go forward. Mr.Sharp I think you are doing your clients a diservice by ‘jumpimg the gun” to fast(common mistake-huh Fat T). I think he should wait until the investigation is complete. This is real simple “gang of 13” if this DPW director is guilty of what you allege(for now) then I am sure(quite confident) that he will be sent packing. You have to give the Office of professional Standards to do their investigation. Never, folks put th e cart before the horse. Careful Att.Sharp…..

  4. Dem. says:

    Claudia will be a great Judge. I highly recommend everyone vote for Claudia Robinson.