Did Howard Stern inspire Rich Santorum?


Is it possible that Howard Stern, the self-anointed King of All Media, inspired Rick Santorum, The King of All Kooks?

Howard Stern

Back in 1982, when Stern was offending the locals in Washington D.C., his wife Allison became pregnant.

The child was stillborn.

Never missing an opportunity to be tasteless, Stern told his audience that he and Allison had decided to keep the kid.  The plan was to put it in a jar and every birthday change the formaldehyde.

Mrs. Stern was not pleased and he had to publicly apologize.

What does this have to do with the darling of the “fetus fetish” crowd?

As reported on January 6th on ABC News, it seems Stern’s stillborn spoof was not that wacky.

In 1996 a pregnant Mrs. Santorum lost her child– a 20 week fetus.  Rather than leave the child to be handled by the hospital, the Santorum’s insisted on bringing their Bundle of Joy home for the kids to meet.

They celebrated the blessed event by passing the corpse around to the kids to cuddle it.  I suppose at this point I could make some joke about this.. ahem, strange behavior. 

It would be pointless.

13 Responses to “Did Howard Stern inspire Rich Santorum?”

  1. Fort Lauderdale Resident says:

    Would somebody just shut fields up?

  2. Sam The Sham says:

    Sam Fields, you are an ass.

    It is obvious that you have not had to endure the loss of a child. I wonder, when your parents died, did you just toss the bodies out with the trash? I suspect that your loved ones have that in mind for you.

  3. managed 700 million says:

    i would love to but he is a mean, small minded vengeful little plick

  4. managed 700 million says:

    very litigious as well. not man enough to back up his venomous words like a man would. he ought to wear a skirt.

  5. SAM FIELDS says:

    Dear 700
    UNLIKE YOU I am man enough to use my real name. Why don’t you sneak up on me and take a poke. See how far it gets you.
    I have buried both parents. I had them stuffed and mounted and they are on both sides of my fireplace.

  6. Sam Ain't The Man says:

    Sam Fields has become a major bore. All he does is attack religion. He is like the gay haters obsessed with gays who we suddenly find out is gay. Fields can think about nothing but religion and how he hates it. One day we will find out he secretly prays.

  7. Woody72 says:

    The weak minded use religion as a crutch to get thru life. Sam’s flaw is pointing out publicly what many are thinking privately.

  8. decency says:

    really Buddy, to allow this on your blog is beyond the bounds of decency

  9. Tamarac Talk says:


    From a woman here, that baby was no corpse. Show a little sensitivity. That was a son, a daughter, a baby sister or brother to those children and they needed to say goodbye.

    Back in the Victorian days, as grotesque as it sounds, infant mortality was so rampant that they would dress their babies up and take photos of the dead. The images of these babies and children appear as though they are sleeping. These would be their only memory of their child they would ever have.

    Fortunately, for the Santorum children, that was possibly theirs as well.

    Guess only a mom could understand.

  10. Frank Toledo says:

    Save it, Tamarac Talk.

    Mr. Fields has no sympathy for anything or anybody.

  11. SAM FIELDS says:

    I go after religion with hammer and tongs because beginning with Jimmy Carter the “superstitionists” have been pushing to mix their religion with public politics.

    When the Pope and all the televangelists regularly attack secular humanism and atheism I am sure we do not hear a peep out of you.

    But let one little old atheist push back and you start whining like a bunch of “little Nancys”.

    Let me once again say: playing with dead babies is just downright creepy.

    Asking your kids to join in is sick, sick, sick and will probable put a couple of them on the shrink’s couch.

  12. SAM FIELDS says:

    I don’t want to suggest that Christians like Santorum are the only ones who are into dead bodies.

    We should not forget necrophiliacs, tribal headhunters and Norman Bates.

  13. What Would Reagan Do? says:

    I was waiting for Sam’s defense of the Constitution after the HHS reqired Catholic employers to offer health coverage that includes sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception. After all that move was a concrete suppression of some basic beliefs of a recognized religion. Instead he gives us this drivel. Thanks for proving you are a partisan hack who lacks the courage to speak the truth. And it is interesting you reference a shock jock since your schtick is pure shock, (the refuge of the unintelligent).