Demos Get GOP Endorsement
When is a Democrat the choice of Republicans?
Apparently when there is no R in the race.
School Board member Robin Bartleman has gotten a choice position in the Broward Republican Voters’ Guide.
There must be something that Republicans like about Bartleman over her Democratic opponent, Barbara Houston Wilson.
“It’s two Democrats in the race, so there is no loyalty question,” Broward GOP Chair Richard DeNapoli.
DeNapoli says the choices were made by GOP State Committeeman Ed Kennedy, a former county commissioner.
It is all very strange since Bartleman is so Democratic she was named 2012 Young Democat of the Year.
Did Bartleman make a deal with the Republicans for the endorsement?
DeNapoli says it is just that Bartleman is the better candidate.
The card also picks Democrat Shelly Solomon for School Board over Democrat Abby Freedman.
The School Board candidates are not alone. Another Democrat is on the Republican endorsement list: Judge Robert “Bob” Diaz.
Diaz is also a favorite of the Tea Party.
Word is that Hispanic GOP activists got Diaz the endorsement.
Again, Hmmmm.
(Photo by Richard DeNapoli. Click To Enlarge)
He’s the Republican activist D’s hate: Mr. Red Broward himself.
Here he is in a picture taken by Mr. Stacy Ritter, a.k.a. Russ Klenet, husband of the county commissioner.
It’s a cell phone snap of Mr. Red Broward, who Klenet says was hassling him at the Coral Springs early voting site.
Like many bloggers, Mr. Red Broward often blurs the line between badgering and believability.
One more time, Hmmmm.
Below is the picture taken by Klenet.
If you are a Democratic activist and see this waddling towards you, run. Run away. Very fast.
November 1st, 2012 at 1:58 pm
None of these Judges should be on this card. It is ironic that any of them would want to be on a card that also says vote no on retnetion of the Supreme Court Judges.
Republicans Julio Eduardo Gonzalez, Jr and Bob Nichols were the top percentage guys in the Tea Party poll while Diaz was barely above 50%.
Nichols and Gonzalez have gone out of their way to court and beg for the BREC and Tea Party backing.
While Diaz has attended events, as have all candidates, Judge Diaz never went over the top going on about Sharia Law or being on video like Julio saying he could have never won the primary without BREC.
November 1st, 2012 at 2:32 pm
When I was younger I remember a columnist for the Sun Sentinel explain to a YD meeting the difference between columnist and a investigative reporter. A reporter writes facts and a columnist writes his/her opinions.
Let me guess Russ is pissed about the picture outside a polling place where he looked like a fat tub of goo leaning up against his car?
Does Red Broward cross the line a times, who has the right to make that call? He makes fun of Democrats from electeds to operatives. Also makes fund of RINO’s too. The real problem for Russ and others around here is that no one has ever called anyone out on the bullshit by many democrat electeds and their operatives as Red Broward does.
The real issue that gets lost here is the fact that Red Broward was nothing two years ago, even a year ago, and then he got under everyone’s skin causing the whiners liek Russ to come out, sending Red Broward’s name recognition through the roof. Tom Lauder didnt make Red Broward a household name , Ritter, Russ and everyone else crying about it did.
Sadly what gets lost here is that Red Broward has a First Amendment right to exist. If you dont like it, dont read it. Yet remember he only gets attention because the Dems keep crying about it.
November 1st, 2012 at 3:47 pm
I’m sum buddy now that Buddy is writing about me.
I also endorse Shelly Solo-mom too as we are almost as tight as me and my friend Chris. We were hired to “advertise” for her you know. It’s public record in her campaign financials.
I hope all this recognition will gets me a good job to I don’t have to keep wearing this fake Press Pass.
November 1st, 2012 at 4:07 pm
About Red Broward:
Also gets paid to back “select: liberals.
A study in hyprocrisy.
November 1st, 2012 at 4:27 pm
Let the people decide…
November 1st, 2012 at 4:44 pm
I went to vote today and a trusted democrat informed me that Senator Bogdanoff’s son came out earlier this year and the good Senator sent this young man out of State because his mother did not want a gay son to conflict with the good GOP Christian loving message. I am gay and proud, proud to vote for Maria Sachs. If she loves her precious seat more than her son, she does not deserve to be in office.
November 1st, 2012 at 5:00 pm
Thank you for posting my link. I hope my gazillions of readers don’t figure out that I’m a paid shill of Abby Freedman’s opponant. Maybe I’ll get tons mores paying clients that want “protection.” Did you know Kathy Hughes paid me and my buddy too?
November 1st, 2012 at 5:11 pm
I hope no one sees my credentials here!
November 1st, 2012 at 5:13 pm
Darn it, I meant to say Pass…stupid autocorrect.
November 1st, 2012 at 5:17 pm
That Red Broward blogger is a lying, incompetent, douche. He can’t even cut and paste without screwing it up. No one reads his garbage cause that’s what it is. A perfect representative for Republicans, keep it up schmuck.
November 1st, 2012 at 5:18 pm
Oh, and thanks for showing us who not to vote for Budd with the exception of Bartleman.
November 1st, 2012 at 6:10 pm
Ellyn Bogdanoff’s son attends MIT in Boston where he is in graduate school. He has been out for years and she has always been very supportive. Just because you just found out doesn’t mean he just came out.
Michael – YOU are an embarrassment to our community and set us back!
November 1st, 2012 at 6:58 pm
@ #6 and #12
How anyone’s sexual orientation today is the fodder for conversation amongst strangers is beyond me. Whom one loves,or whom one is intimate with is no one’s business but the 2 (or sometimes 3 or more folks!)involved. Really, society needs to grow up beyond Freudian fixations.
November 1st, 2012 at 7:33 pm
Winter is coming!
November 1st, 2012 at 8:19 pm
@Buddy, is everyone an “activist”? Also, no need to run, unless you cannot run, or you have something to hide. Obviously a lose-lose for Klenet on those two.
About Red Broward is correct, “…what gets lost here is that Red Broward has a First Amendment right to exist. If you dont like it, dont read it. Yet remember he only gets attention because the Dems keep crying about it.”
November 1st, 2012 at 8:57 pm
Tom may waddle but Russ wobbles… too bad he has to use his Audi to hold him up….no wonder why Stacy is so frustrated. Russ can’t find it
November 1st, 2012 at 9:35 pm
Hi Folks,
Buddy did you not change your registration to Republican when Christ ran? Richard DiNapoli did the right thing because it was the right thing to do. Both Solomon and Barttelman are the best people for the job! It is commendable that in a NON-PARTISAN race he put the needs of Browards children first! I am shocked Russ would say someone else is waddling when he looks like he swallowed a VW bug. The Ritter’s are despicable they conduct themselves like Thugs. Obviously both BREC and the staff of Red Broward are not against or above recommending good democrats In NON-PARTISAN races. Mitch Ceaser did the same thing in 2010 for several Republican Judges who faced disreputable challengers. Let’s keep it classy boys.
November 1st, 2012 at 9:46 pm
Hi Buddy, given my name has come up in this thread, I just wanted to get the record straight, so to say.
While I’m uncertain of the anonymous poster’s identity and where they learned their information from, below are 2 links of blog posts I wrote about Ellyn Bogdanoff and her spineless record to fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Floridians.
My engaging in this issue has never been about Republican Florida State Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff’s son. Rather, its about Bogdanoff’s sacrificing and trading equal rights for one of her children, which is gay, for a firmer grasp of political power.
Her one child will never be allowed to legally marry in the State of Florida where he is a voter. Up the courts weighed in recently, that same child was prohibited from adopting a child. The list of inequalities goes on.
Bogdanoff also knowingly ignores the facts that LGBT-youth are in greater danger of contracting HIV and STD’s and she is a failure to support and advance legislation for medically accurate, age-appropriate comprehensive sex-education to protect youth who are not getting this education at home.
The facts are the facts.
I know a Mormon who has gone against her own church to advocate for LGBT-equality for her own family member. But Bogdanoff continually digs her head in the sand and refuses to grow a spine and take on the extremists in her Republican Party that denies equality for her own child.
A mother should stand up and fight for all her children!
Equality Florida PAC: Bogdanoff Threw LGBT Students Under the Bus
Ellyn Bogdanoff Doesn’t Care About LGBT Kids (or Voters)
November 1st, 2012 at 11:55 pm
FYI, if no one reads his stuff, why does Tamarac Talk, New Times and MAOS keep continuing to talk about the guy ?
I see Ritter is claiming an assault took place. her and her hubby are both lawyers, they should know you have to threaten someone with violence and have them believe it for it to be an assault. Calling Russ Klenet a fat ass or Stact corrupt is not an assault but most likely accurate.
November 2nd, 2012 at 10:54 am
>> Hi Folks,
Buddy did you not change your registration to Republican when Christ ran?
Christ is alive? Holy Fucking Christ.
I thought he was … an imaginary figure conjured up to control the masses…
I mean, I thought he was dead.Hung out with some hookers, got everyone drunk on wine, and then up and died…
I’d say, I stand corrected, but since I am sitting, I sit corrected.
November 2nd, 2012 at 12:38 pm
Interesting work by the physicists of Hameroff and Penrose…Quantom Theory of the Soul…read it if you have the time….
November 2nd, 2012 at 1:24 pm
Where is the Moderator?? Chaz Stevens, Idiot, should be banned.
February 21st, 2013 at 7:53 am
Your shot at Tom Lauder, apart from being unkind, was worst of all neither clever nor amusing.