Democratic Club Attacks Only Democrat In Race




In the waning days before Tuesday’s election, the Miramar Democratic club has criticized the only Democrat in a city commission race.

The race is between Republican incumbent Troy Samuels and Yvette Colbourne, a Democrat. The news release makes it clear the club is endorsing neither one.

Wink wink nod nod.

Only the Democrat, Colbourne, is singled out for alleged ethical laps in her campaign.

The laps include using photographs of folks like County Commissioner Barbara Sharief in a campaign ad without permission. Such use is legal as long as the candidate doesn’t indicate it is an endorsement. For instance, candidates use pictures of themselves with Barack Obama without being endorsed or getting his permission to use it.

Although the goal of the club to clean up elections is noble, it is highly unusual for a partisan Democratic club to attack a Democratic candidate when the only other candidate is a Republican.

The news release may even violate the party bylaws.

Why didn’t they send out a news release without using the club label?


Here is the news release:






The Miramar Democratic Club has issued a statement regarding the Seat 2 Race in the Miramar Municipal Election:

The mission of the Miramar Democratic Club is to represent “the diversity of the City of Miramar” and to serve “as a catalyst for positive change, present and future, for our community.” To remain in alignment with our mission, we wish to speak about the current race for Miramar City Commission Seat 2 between Troy Samuels and Yvette Colbourne. We are not endorsing nor have we endorsed either candidate in this race. We are speaking about campaign activities, about the spirit of a non-partisan race, and about what is in the best interest of our city.

Keep it a Non-Partisan Race: 

At the municipal level, we elect officials to represent us outside the lines of political party. Party affiliation is not to be placed on any advertising sent by the candidate’s campaign. A mailer for candidate Colbourne identified the political parties of both candidates. In a second mailer, candidate Colbourne identified the political parties of elected officials below their photographs. This is not in the spirit of a non-partisan race.

Handle the Use of Photographs and Endorsements Ethically:

In a recent mailer from Candidate Colbourne, there were photographs of the candidate with various elected officials. Many, if not all, of the photographs were used without the consent of those officials and some of them were clearly photo-shopped. Photographs of a candidate with an elected official imply endorsement. In this case, elected officials did not even know their photographs were being used. It is a good practice to request written permission from elected officials to use their photographs in campaign materials and to have signed endorsements in writing.

The Miramar Democratic Club was mentioned in the headline of a mailer for Ms. Colbourne. We do not wish our club to be used as a vehicle for declaring one’s political party in a non-partisan race. We also do not wish the use of our name to be interpreted as an endorsement.

Keep the Campaign Honorable, Respectful, and Unifying:

Reports of Ms. Colbourne’s campaign manager yelling to passing motorists at a sign waving that her opponent “hates black people” are very disturbing. The fact that it was in front of a group of high school football players and their manager, all sign waving in support of her opponent, was even more disturbing. Mr. Samuel’s supporters were asked by Ms. Colbourne’s campaign manager to “support their own” – to support a candidate based on race. These activities reportedly took place in the presence of Ms. Colbourne, who did not stop them. Civility in politics begins locally. Supporters can wave signs for their candidate without engaging those campaigning for their opponent, and they can shout out for their candidate without maligning their opponent.

Keep the Campaign about Qualifications and Vision:

Voters would like to hear about a candidate’s vision and qualifications. Voters would like candidates, regardless of their political party, to be respectful of one another. We would like candidates to appeal to a voter’s best interest, not to fear, ethnicity, or political party.

Voters view how a candidate handles the campaign as a reflection of how that candidate will govern if elected. Respectful campaigns are in the best interest of the candidate, the residents, and the city.

Gloria Barry, Area Leader

Maggie Macaulay, President

Valerie Pigatt, Vice President

Michael Morell, Treasurer

Elizabeth McCartney-Morell, Secretary

Alanna Mersinger, Board

Bill Macaulay, Board

Glenn Joseph, Board

Roslyn Alic-Batson, Board

8 Responses to “Democratic Club Attacks Only Democrat In Race”

  1. Broward Dem says:


  2. Freedom says:

    People are supposed to keep quiet about hate, I don’t think so! Forget the photo and look at what was yelled at the children. Very, very wrong!

  3. Pan Am says:

    Finally some sense comes to a race dear author it is a NON-PARTISAN RACE got the words understand the meaning she sent out a flyer to all of Miramar saying she was a democrat I hope this gets turned into the BSOE an she gets fined the $2000 she should be fined. This is not how people do campaigning not standing across the street screaming at High School kids waving signs foe a candidate . Waving is American bullying others is beneth the standards of the USA…….Bully for The DNC club in Miramar…

  4. AMWakeUpCall says:

    The commission seats and the election campaign is NON-PARTISAN. I cannot therefore see any reason why a Democratic Club is obligated to refrain from criticizing any particular candidate just because it’s known or that individual has declared him/herself to be a Democrat.

  5. Maggie Macaulay says:

    Hi Buddy –
    You are absolutely correct. This was highly unusual and certainly a first for our club. The statement was sent in an e-mail to those on our club’s mailing list and posted to our Facebook page. It was not issued as a press release.

    After much discussion, our board, officers and area leader reached a unanimous decision to issue the statement. Since its release, we have received phone calls from elected officials thanking us for having done so.

    The Colbourne campaign ignored Barbara Sharief’s request to remove her photograph from their literature, and instead, included her photograph again along with identifying her political affiliation in their next mailer. Commissioner Barnes, Rep. Shevrin Jones, Rep.Gibbons, and others were never asked if their picture could be used. You are correct that it is not illegal; however, there is a tacit understanding that one asks permission even when an endorsement is not given. The widespread use of these images, many of them photo-shopped and listing political affiliation, reflects poorly on our local politics, misleads the public because it is interpreted as an endorsement, and interjects partisan politics into a non-partisan race. The repeated use of these tactics – even ignoring the Vice-Mayor’s request – made it difficult to overlook. We took a risk in issuing the statement, and we stand by it.

    Maggie Macaulay
    President, Miramar Democratic Club

  6. Maggie Macaulay says:

    And, Buddy, the absolute tipping point in our decision was the yelling around the high school students.

    Thanks –

  7. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Well, Colbourne got elected. With this level of ethics during the campaign, what will Colbourne do as a politician? Will Mike Satz’s Public Corruption Unit prevent illegal behavior? (ROFL…) Will the toothless State Ethics Commission prevent unethical behavior? (ROFL again…) Will Colbourne achieve further infamy as a future target of Chaz Stevens? Stay tuned for another exciting episode of As The Muck Convulses – Broward County Edition!

    32 of 32 Precincts Reporting

    Yvette Colbourne 62.4%
    Troy Samuels 37.6%

  8. Christine says:

    Oh no! Another post by Ha Ha Ha! Will we have to all endure yet another episode of dueling Ha Ha Has?