Demo Boss Drops Out of Commission Race; Former Sen. Nan Rich Immediate Front Runner





Democratic Party Chair Mitch Ceasar has dropped his unofficial campaign for county commission and is leaning towards running for Broward Clerk of Courts, according to numerous sources.


mitch ceasarMitch Ceasar: Quits Race



Ceasar could not be reached for comment.’s sources include leading political figures in the county, including some who said that they talked directly to Ceasar.

The long-time Democratic leader’s decision is good news for former Sen. Nan Rich, D-Weston. She is the only Democratic candidate officially campaing for the District 1 Commission seat in West Broward.

Ceasar had earlier said he would file official papers in April. District 1 is currently held by Commissioner Marty Kiar, a former Democratic House member from Davie, who is quitting later this year to run for Broward Property Appraiser.

Rich quickly cashed in on the news. She reportedly traveled to downtown Fort Lauderdale today to meet with county lobbyists and encourage them to give donations to her campaign.

Ceasar made his decision after a poll was conducted last week which pitted him against Rich. Although was not given the poll results, sources speculate that the poll convinced Ceasar that he faced a tough campaign against the durable Rich.

“Rich clearly had better name ID. More Democrats know her.  After all, she just ran for governor,” one political source said.

“There is a sympathy factor for Rich after she lost (the governor’s race),” another Democratic insider said.

The Clerk of the Courts seat is open because Clerk Howard Forman, a former state senator, is retiring this year.


Commission District 1:


District One County Commission

15 Responses to “Demo Boss Drops Out of Commission Race; Former Sen. Nan Rich Immediate Front Runner”

  1. count l f chodkiewicz chudzikiewicz says:

    If he doesnt stay as co chair ok if he stays a lot of republicans n independents will be buying tables at co dem dinners

  2. GOPapa says:

    Mitch Ceasar as clerk is about as funny as Howard Forman as clerk. When are we going to get a professional, not a hack washed up politician?

  3. Ha Ha Ha says:

    What the County Clerk’s office needs is integrity and transparency. Mitch Ceasar’s connections to integrity & transparency are weaker that the connections between Navy submarines and the Sahara Desert.

    No rational voter could possibly believe that Mitch Ceasar is the solution to the County Clerk office’s very lengthy list of serious problems. But Lori Parrish would be a very credible solution. Chaz “Festivus” Stevens would be a very good potential candidate as well.

  4. Lamberti is a Criminal says:

    Why can’t we get NEW qualified people to run for public office? Why do the same corrupt names keep popping up?

  5. Broward Voter says:

    Mitch Ceasar will be elected Clerk of Courts and remain chair of the Broward D’s. Take it to the bank.

  6. Broward Lawyer says:

    The Clerk’s Office needs a professional management team. Howard “Uncle Fluffy” Forman a nice guy but he hasn’t a clue how to run anything. Instead he relies on his his inept, nasty side-kick Iris Siple to run that bloated bureaucracy. It’s probably the worst run clerks office in the entire State. Morale among their low paid staff there is at an all time low. They have a sweat shop mentality over there and they rule over it using fear and intimidation.

    At least Mitch Ceasar is a lawyer who understands what lawyers need from a clerk. At least he’s smart enough to hire some good managers, bring in some decent computer systems and modernize that hell hole of an office.

    Who are Uncle Fluffy and Iris Siple’s hires? Family and close personal friends. Ask around. Howard married his secretary and half of Siple’s family are clerk employees.

    That place is crawling with crazy stories. Meanwhile lawyers trying to make a living can’t get the service we need.

  7. Lisa Serafin-Franz says:

    Commitment, Loyalty, Trust, and Confidence is what the Citizens and its Employees of Broward County needs. I am seriously considering running for Clerk of Courts. Guess what I actually spoke to Mitch about this approximately three weeks ago. He NEVER mentioned running to me. Just advised me not to rush in making my decision.

  8. Sam The Sham says:

    Do you mean Chaz “Fucking” Stevens? You are insane if that is a serious endorsement.

  9. Mitchey Mitchey says:

    Mitchey boy still has those sex harassment allegations hanging over him. Three women. The DEC paid off one. Anybody with money can beat him.

  10. Falcone says:

    I agree with @4 in that we never have new choices because these Democrats keep rolling out the same people. We are presented with grandpa Mitch Ceasar and grandma Nan Rich. Bob Graham for supervisor next

  11. Chaz Stevens, I am Festivus says:

    Sam The Sham;

    I guess I can’t count on your vote…

    Luckily, I can count on your sisters! And, BTW, tell her she owes me $500 from the other night.

  12. Ana Gomez-Mallada says:

    That’s all the clerk’s Office needed!

  13. just one vote says:

    does the clerk of the courts have to have a Florida Bar license?
    hard to believe such an important role is just an administrator.

    but I know why they all want to run for these ‘leadership’ roles? if they are ‘boss’,they do what they want, when they want, no accountability to a boss, lots of perks, pensions await, etc. etc.


    The Clerk does not need to be a lawyer. The last two long-time clerks were (1) Robert Lockwood, a former insurance salesman and (2) Howard Forman, a formercity commissioner, county commissioner and state senator.

  14. Jim Miller says:

    If you don’t like who is running why don’t you throw your hat in the ring? Or is it just too easy to sit at your computer and complain (anonymously) about those who have the courage and guts to do it.

  15. you're right Chaz says:

    She paid you $500 to leave?