Davie Mayor, Commissioner Out Of Touch Over Pension


Hello, Davie Mayor Judy Paul and Bryan CaletkaYou’re wanted back on the Planet Earth.

Don’t you see what’s going on down here?

People are angry.  People are fed up. 

Fed up with government waste.  Fed up with elected officials voting themselves special benefits like a pension.

So what do these two geniuses do?  They pick this time to ask  taxpayers to institute a pension for Davie office holders.

 Paul: Show Me The Money…Your Money

Nobody will object. It is so little money$2,500-a-year, Paul told the Sun-Sentinel.

First of all, it’s not the money but the symbolism.  These officials are thumbing their noses at the public and at the public sentiment sweeping this nation.

Second of all, does anybody believe it will stay at $2,500 a year.  This is the nose of the camel under the tent.  Once they begin it, it will grow like a tumor, metastasizing into a sizeable entitlement for elected officials.

I hope that if they do vote themselves a pension whatever its size it’s the end of their political career.  I could run a campaign with my hands tied behind my back against them on just that issue alone.

I’ve got an idea, Judy and Bryan.  Take the money you are going to use for a pension.and buy yourselves a clue.

6 Responses to “Davie Mayor, Commissioner Out Of Touch Over Pension”

  1. S.O.B. says:

    the problem as you say is once it starts it matastasizes. what is it based on ? current pay? it it actuaraly sound and based? years of service based? will it be on current members? is it retroactive? some of these questions/answers could cause it to be additional compensation?

  2. Taxpayer says:

    Out of touch. Greedy. Selfish. Careless. Inepts .Serve no one but themselves. Vote them all out !

  3. Kevin Tynan says:

    “Once they begin it, it will grow like a tumor, metastasizing into a sizeable entitlement for elected officials.”

    So true!!!!! In this day and age we do not need to spend more on our elected officials, especially when it is officially a part time job.

    Kevin Tynan

  4. MIKE BENDER says:

    Right on the money,no need to further embelish,article say’s it all!

  5. MIKE BENDER says:

    Right on the money,no need to embelish, this article says it all!
    Mike Bender

  6. Politico says:

    Well said Buddy!