Davie Candidate Ellis Traub Responds To Buddy
Buddy, Buddy, Buddy!
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
What kind of so-called journalism takes one candidate’s material, and and embraces it as his ownâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€spin and allâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€without doing any checking?
To say nothing about asking to hear the other side of the story? Had you bothered to even Google me, the prospect that I might be paid by, or otherwise been influenced by, those who wanted to develop The Commons would strike even you as absurd.
There’s a term in psychological lexicon called “projection.” And it refers to the tendency for people to judge others by their own values. Those people who would accuse me of pandering to any developer simply can’t imagine anyone having any motive other than personal gain!
I get the feeling you’re in the same league with them.
I supported it for what I believed to be good reasons. It would have accomplished a substantial number of objectives that those in my district consider important: suppression of noise from the highway, reduction in traffic on the local streets, prevention of Eric Hersh’s realizing his goal to push Royal Palm Parkway through to Shotgun Road, among othersâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€to say nothing of feeding the Town a full seven percent of its annual budget from the “loss” of only 7/10ths of one percent of Davie’s geography.
And, of course, there are the approximately 8,000 folks that could have had a job by now and don’t.
As for the Country Club of Miami, I’m very proud of that work. The article Marlon’s campaign provided to you was written by your kind of journalist; and I would ask anyone who might be influenced by reading it to look at my Website. There you’ll find the truth about that issue (if that’s what you’re really interested in) in a rebuttal letter to the editor from the presidents of the organizations in that community.
As for The Commons, anyone who thinks that’s an issue in this election has to be a necrophiliac! It’s dead! Turnberry has no money.
And your Councilman, Mr. Luis, was prepared to provide the death blow, as was his assignment from his “supporters.”
He claims to know how his district thinks; but I think he believes his district consists of only Oak Hill and Highland Ranch Estates! He has no idea how the folks in Ivanhoe or Shenandoah feel about anything. And, they don’t vote in sufficient numbers to tell him! Maybe they will this time! (How about that firehouse!?)
Anyway, there’s no way you’re going to take the public’s attention away from the simple fact that the deal for Austin Forman’s land was done with imprudent alacrity (probably because the election might bring a new Town Council that might not be as “charitable.”).
There’s no way that bluster and bull will hide the fact that an emergency fund with $9 million less than it had is at all prudent, no matter how legal the deal might have been.
And, actually, there’s no way that any thinking person would accept a story that an interested individual, much less the US Government, would propose any price for that land as a result of the publicity surrounding the purchase on such short notice and with less due diligence than our own Town Council performed! Show me the money!
And, if by some magic either “proposal” is legitimate, we should snap it up in a heartbeat and put the money back into the reserves where it belongs!
By the way, I see that Marlon’s campaign sent your column out to a mailing list with the appropriate disclaimer at the bottom which labeled your column as a political advertisement of which he approves! In that respect, he’s honest!
Maybe, when I have a little time, I’ll tell you how I really feel!
🙂 Ellis Traub
February 19th, 2010 at 3:58 pm
I did extensive checking.
Marlon Luis’ campaign did not provide me with any of the material.
And I do believe The Commons is an issue. It can always be revived or the property sold to another developer. The land is waiting there, ripe for development. The voters in District 4 should want to make sure that it is developed following their wishes.
Again, the town paid less then its own appraisers said the land was worth.
If you don’t believe the town should have purchased the property or the process was rushed, the blame lies with the town manager.
February 19th, 2010 at 4:16 pm
This guy could never go on the Bill O’Reilly Show because it is a No Spin Zone.
February 19th, 2010 at 4:55 pm
Why don’t I believe you?
This diatribe was first fired at me on Tuesday evening and then Marlon spewed it out at the Council meeting Wednesday!
And that doesn’t excuse you for not asking me about any of those issues before you wrote about them.
Posing question like “Was he on the payroll of….? is the worst kind of innuendo and not worthy of a real journalist.
Did you really earn your way through journalism school writing for the supermarket tabloids?
Oops. Well, I never said I was a journalist!
Ellis Traub
I frankly don’t care if you believe me.
Bottom line: I stand by my opinions and my post, which I didn’t get from Marlon Luis. I simply did a check of back newspaper stories of you — the most basic research tool. I also checked public records.
Even if I did get the story from your opponent, it wouldn’t change the facts.
As far as my background, check it out. Its on this website.
February 19th, 2010 at 6:11 pm
Lori Parrish and Judy Paul live in the district. Who are they supporting?
FROM BUDDY: Davie Mayor Judy Paul contributed $50 to Marlon Luis’ campaign on February 1. Property Appraiser Lori Parrish donated $100 to Luis on February 2.
February 19th, 2010 at 8:05 pm
So Traub, I see you have acussed Buddy Nevins, without any facts, of getting his story from your opponent and you posted a longwinded, feeble attempt at a defense. BUT YOU HAVEN’T ANSWERED NEVIN’S BASIC CHARGE. DID YOU, IN FACT, TAKE $25,000 FROM THAT GOLF COURSE OWNER TO TRY CONVINCE YOUR NEIGHBORS TO BUY HIS GOLF COURSE?
(your taking $25,000 BACK IN 1990 IS LIKE GETTING $100,000 TODAY.) Is that how much you’ve already taken or is it a hush, hush backroom deal?
You obviously tricked your former neighbors because Nevin’s found that the project you promoted was later called a “sucker deal” for taxpayers.
Is that why you had to move out of the Country Club of Miami and moved to Davie?
Fool your neighbors once, shame on them. Fool them twice, SAME ON YOU!
February 19th, 2010 at 9:55 pm
Marlon Luis’ Meltdown @ Feb. 17, 2010 Council Meeting much like his
“Boss” Austin Forman-The Donkey Farmer…What a…Donkey!…
Donkey Farmer Austin Forman Files Suit Against Commissioner, Citizens
By Bob Norman Mon., Oct. 5 2009 @ 7:52AM
…”Two of the articles linked by Hennessey were columns of mine regarding Forman’s involvement in an inside deal at the rampantly corrupt North Broward Hospital District, which was practically founded by Forman’s father, Hamilton. You can read the columns here and here. Obviously I stand by every word in them (oh, and does the name Patricia Mahaney ring any bells?). The reporting helped kill a medical office building deal being developed by Forman that would have wasted tens of millions of taxpayer dollars. The newspaper’s district investigation also prompted then-Gov. Jeb Bush to clean house and replace almost the entire district board and its CEO, general counsel, and chief financial officer.
These kinds of SLAPP suits really get on my nerves, even when they aren’t using my reporting as a partial excuse to sue. Note to Austin Forman: In America, people have the freedom to oppose your big development dreams. They also have the freedom to talk about you in terms that aren’t so nice, especially when you are trying to transform their community into something they hate. So be a good donkey farmer and quit using the court system to scare your critics. Drop the suit”. ..
February 20th, 2010 at 9:26 am
One can be an advocate for a community doing it from the bottom of their heart with no personal gain involved. Or one can be a mouthpiece for cash. But you can’t be both.
Traub accepts cash to help developers get residents to support projects. There’s nothing illegal about that, I’m sure he’d prefer that this fact not be known, but it is. That’s what he does for a living. Let’s just be up front about it and move on accordingly. Traub takes money to support projects. He’s a lobbyist basically.
The evidence of that is when you see someone flip flopping on an issue, like Traub and his support which used to be opposition for Davie Commons. First he was against it. Now he’s for it. That means he’s probably on the Davie Commons payroll now but wasn’t before.
On this issue you know that it is not his heart talking. It’s his wallet.
February 21st, 2010 at 10:51 am
They should give lie detector tests to the Mayor of Davie, all the Commissioners and the 2 appraisers…see if they are on the up and up.
March 4th, 2010 at 10:13 am
…just came back to see if there were anything new. Nope! Same old stuff!
Buddy says he didn’t get any info from Marlon Luis; but he didn’t say he didn’t get anything from Dave Brown, his “handler.”
And, last evening, Dave Brown bragged that he already knew all about the rebuttal that all of the civic leaders in my community had written to the Herald when he put out the nonsense about my alleged perfidy. No surprise there!
As a matter of fact, I’ve been displaying that rebuttal on my Web site from the beginning of the campaign because I was very proud of my work at the Country Club of Miami and still am.
Y’know, I really think Marlin’s a decent fella. I thought we were friends and still do think we were. I just think the poor guy fell into bad company and got in over his head. Tha’s all.
Ellis Traub
March 4th, 2010 at 10:16 am
…just came back to see if there were anything new. Nope! Same old stuff!
Buddy says he didn’t get any info from Marlon Luis; but he didn’t say he didn’t get anything from Dave Brown, his “handler.â€
And, last evening, Dave Brown bragged that he already knew all about the rebuttal that all of the civic leaders in my community had written to the Herald when he put out the nonsense about my alleged perfidy. No surprise there!
As a matter of fact, I’ve been displaying that rebuttal on my Web site from the beginning of the campaign because I was very proud of my work at the Country Club of Miami and still am.
Y’know, I really think Marlin’s a decent fella. I thought we were friends and still do think we were. I just think the poor guy fell into bad company and got in over his head. Tha’s all.
Ellis Traub