County Laughs Off 911 Dispute





County government is really serious about the 911 issue!

Below are the two news stories on the front 911 page on the county’s website, but they took it down after this ran.  The page doesn’t mention one word about the county and cities’ dispute.

The front page does list just about every cut of meat known to man.

Somebody in the Government Center has a sense of humor.  Somehow I don’t think a group of city officials will be laughing.


 911 News

Story One Headline
Pork belly venison shankle, prosciutto turducken t-bone brisket jerky strip steak drumstick ground round capicola. Pancetta short loin salami ribeye filet mignon pastrami chuck meatloaf meatball sirloin tongue. Pancetta beef ribs tenderloin ribeye bacon tail. Beef cow meatloaf boudin, corned beef swine pork loin ham hock bresaola. More…
Story Two Headline
T-bone filet mignon chuck pancetta meatloaf pastrami pork chop short loin ham prosciutto swine. Kielbasa andouille pork fatback pastrami rump boudin shankle ball tip venison swine meatloaf strip steak salami brisket. Brisket pork beef pork chop hamburger t-bone fatback jowl, rump shoulder doner. Ham hock prosciupastrami turducken. More…

12 Responses to “County Laughs Off 911 Dispute”

  1. Lunchables says:

    I thought this was the list of food served at chip’s office lunch at riverside market the other day. The are some hungry men in that office.

  2. too funny says:

    too funny

  3. Losers says:

    Have you seen Chip? He lost 30 pounds recently and is at fighting weight to take on Hanerhan, Keechl or anyone else who wants to run against him. Chip is beloved in Northwest Deerfield down to Sunrise Boulevard. Chip transcends partisan politics and race. Keechl has the endorsement of the Sheriff, the Sheriff better realize who has to vote on his issues for the next 18months.

  4. Sounds like says:

    Losers sounds like a sermon a future Priest may give, hmmmmm.

  5. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    I noticed Comm.Larmarca lost weight(congrats). Next Color that hair and I’ll be chasing you all over that County hall…..

  6. Concerned dist 4 voter says:

    So lamarca will vote against the sheriff for the next 18 months because the sheriff supports keechl? I was concerned when I read what a financial mess lamarca is personally, but this is even worse. If he is going to cast his vote on important law enforcement and fire rescue issues based upon spite then he needs to go. Thanks for making up my mind about who to vote for next time.

  7. Who is the biggest loser? says:

    30 pounds is not the only thing Chip is going to lose:

    √ Fat butt
    √ house
    √ 2014 election

  8. too bad chip says:

    great three points on future losses for chip to ponder
    he could have won over some of us last Tuesday but chose to vote NO.

    I see a relentless wave of criticism towards him because of his poorly evaluating issues and his votes

  9. Weight watchers says:

    Chip’s driver and valet is leaving for priest school soon, chip will look different afterward since with that guy, chip looks like an anorexic runway model.

  10. No need says:

    Chip doesn’t have to vote against the new sheriff. If Keechl uses the political consultant he used last time he has no shot of ever winning another election in this county. Those dummies supported Lamberti and look where he is?

  11. Sunrise Voter says:

    Great News! Buddy how about a follow up please? Mike Mike Ryan is putting on his ‘Counselor’ hat and will sue Broward County
    “Sunrise is poised to become the third city to sue Broward County over the emergency system. Sunrise Mayor Mike Ryan said he wants to send a message to the county.
    “Our residents are being double taxed,” Ryan told the Sunrise commission Tuesday. “We have an obligation to stand up for our residents.”
    (lifted from s-s)
    Go Mayor Ryan!! If we hurry we can force their hand by the May 2013 deadline to get moving on this!!

  12. just one vote says:

    Buddy influences far and wide! Tonight Carmel Cafiero spotlighted the 911 mess – on camera quotes from Mayor Mike Ryan, Comm. Lois Wexler….in short summarizing all we’ve been posting about for the last few months. Thanks Buddy and keep the heat up. Even city of ft ldle today is now ‘talking sense (thanks to new Comm. Dean Trantalis) on county wide 911.
    maybe those BCC commissioners hearing talk of being sent packing come next election forced some re-evaluation…..