Cop Union: Sheriff Tony Slow Protecting Deputies From Virus


The police union is angry at Sheriff Gregory Tony for refusing to talk for a week about protective masks, gloves and sanitizer for deputies members.

Broward Sheriff’s Office Deputies Association Local I.U.P.A. 6020, which represents 5,000-plus members, says Tony’s answer to their complaints was to threaten “any inaccurate statements relating to the topic of BSO’s failure to provide adequate supplies for its employee’s will result in disciplinary action.”

Sheriff Greg Tony: Complaints His Deputies Shortchanged on Anti-Virus Protection

You can decide whether that is a mature, helpful answer from Tony, who is said to have a bit of a temper.

Tony has now arranged for each deputy to get one mask apiece.

You also can decide whether one mask apiece is enough.

No word from the union on protective gloves or sanitizer.

Apparently there is no love lost between the sheriff and the union. They haven’t spoken face-to-face in 393 days, according to Jeff Bell, president of the union.

That is sarcasm you see dripping off the edges of this letter from the union to Tony emailed today:

13 Responses to “Cop Union: Sheriff Tony Slow Protecting Deputies From Virus”

  1. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    What kind of reply is this TO A QUESTION ABOUT PROTECTING FIRST RESPONDERS? Frankly I think BOTH leading candidates for Sheriff are UNDERWHELMING. We really should have better candidates.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The deputies need gloves,give to them.They want surgical masks ,give to them.They want hand sanitizer in the cruisers,give to them.To deny the deputies or to be stingy etc is not right.Their safety and or their concerns should be addressed.Be careful u heard of the blue flu etc.Don’ t piss them off or have this persona that oh well.This report here is troubling.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Remember this in August. Democrats should vote for Scott Israel, not “no mask” Tony.

  4. Rightwinger says:

    We have gloves. Don’t you think we had them long before this Virus. Scottie will bring all of his cronies back. All still unquantified to be in our agency. Sheriff is doing a good job considering this situation.

  5. City activist Robert Walsh says:

    #4.Just issue is the deputies need PPE.No exception.

  6. Resident voter says:

    This guy is childish and immature, not to mention stupid….

  7. Sheriff says:

    Phony Tony five star loser has no idea of what to do. Ask the rank and file. He is a hot head moron. He needs to go and fast. We all want a qualified candidate to run but so far nothing but other losers. Desantis really screwed us, and the residents, with this jerk.

  8. Just a voter says:

    I love Sheriff Tony and I can’t wait to vote for him!! And know one does a temper tantrum better than Scott Israel!….

  9. Mr.Dad says:

    Scott Israel has no place being Sheriff ever again. As a parent he didn’t protect our kids!!! He was to busy filling BSO up with politicians who had no LEO experience!! I’m glad he was removed from office. Sheriff Tony has my VOTE!!!!!

  10. Phony Tony says:

    Phony Tony is such a complete fraud. Imagine making a video escorting sick people from a ship and ending with such a dramatic line that no one is left behind. Where was Phony then?

  11. Scared employee says:

    Tony now has blood on his hand!how many more deputies must die before he wises up? He is a bafoon.

  12. Just One Vote says:

    No worries. Sheriff Tony just assured the re-election of Israel by suspending Bell, unless a sperior (to both) candiate steps up. Thank you Steve Bousquet for astute write-up.

  13. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    #12 I support NEITHER candidate for Sheriff HOWEVER Bousquet n the Sun Sentinel editorials in general are NEITHER INFLUENTIAL POLITICALLY or deeply researched or thought out. Newspapers have been UNBELIEVABLY INEFFECTUAL in getting EVEN ONE TRUMP SUPPORTER TO SEE HE IS A FAKER.