Commissioner Works Agt Colleague’s Re-Election





County Commissioners Dale Holness is trying to build his clout by working against the re-election of his colleague.

Holness has been raising money from the lobbyist community to defeat County Commissioner Barbara Sharief’s re-election.

His choice to replace Sharief in District 8 is Alexandra Davis, a Miramar commissioner.

“Lots of people” doing business with Broward County government got a call from Holness asking for contributions for Davis, according to one lobbyist.

“The really interesting thing about Alexandra Davis who announced to run against Barbara Sharief for the County Commission, is that she was recruited by Dale Holeness.  Further, Holeness has made several dozen calls to prominent lobbyists and business people who do business at the County asking them to contribute to her,” another county insider told

A source, who requested to remain anonymous because they do business at the county, speculated that Holness wants to enhance his political muscle in the minority community and views Sharief as his biggest roadblock.

Holness and Sharief are the only blacks on the nine-member commission.
(Click To Enlarge)
County Commission District 8


22 Responses to “Commissioner Works Agt Colleague’s Re-Election”

  1. Broward says:

    It’s not surprising that Dale would work against a colleague for his own benefit. This is not about Alexandria Davis, who has a right to run, it’s more about Dale unethically using his position to raise money from vendors that lobby him at the county.

    People around Broward don’t trust Dale and know he is very self-serving and two faced.

  2. curiousgeorge says:

    We are judged by the company we keep.
    Didn’t Davis use to date Holness’ friend Fitzroy Salesman?

  3. OMG says:

    What a jackass. He wants a pawn? That’s because Sharief is a strong, independent woman. How dare he do that. He owes the county money for back taxes and doesn’t live at his legal residence. Dirtball.

  4. Forgot something says:

    Word around is Davis campaign is run buy Judy stern. Looks like hollness is aspiring to be the next Joe eggs.

    Poor sharief, word is she hired Ashley walker, guess no one told Barbara that some involved in the granteeed race thought Judy and Ashley were very chummy.

  5. SAM FIELDS says:

    If it’s true that Holness is just trying to be King of the Blacks it brings to mind the opening scene in Gone With the Wind when the slaves are arguing over who is in charge:

    Quitting time!

    -Who says it’s quitting time? -I said.

    I’s the foreman. I say when it’s quitting time at Tara.

    Quitting time!

    Quitting time!

    Margret Mitchell would be proud of Holness

  6. Just the facts says:

    Hope he files out the Ethics form raising money for a candidate

  7. just wondering says:

    “….Holness and Sharief are the only blacks on the nine-member commission.”

    and Davis is…. what? hispanic? of color? caucasian?

  8. tell it like it is says:

    Holness is a snake and Shareef doesn’t really care about black folks. They both should be gone. Judy stern hates Barbara, she lost with castillo and may not win again. With the right third person in the race, both shareef and davis would be toast!

  9. Alice in Wonderland says:

    next in line to be indicted.

  10. Guess who says:

    1. This will almost definitely ensure Vice Mayor Ryan in the next vote. Not that Dale had a chance.

    2.Just Wondering… She’s not on the Commission, thus not relevant to that sentence. Learn to read.

  11. Follow the leader says:

    LaMarca does call himself the minority leader of the commission. So he’s the third minority.

  12. Plain Language says:

    Holness has been telling people that Sharief isn’t Black enough.


    Because she’s unwilling to support crazy things like Dale and Judy Stern’s goal of investing county dollars into his nowhere Caribbean business interests, much like Judy was steering Joe Eggs to do, that suspiciously captures much of his attention but does scant little for Broward. Judy Stern was the force behind Joe Eggs and his moves. Now she’s calling the plays for Dale Holness and steering him in the same direction.

    Sharief is unwilling to play that game and this angers Holness because it costs him politically.

    Davis who is merely a pawn in this game is drawn into it because of her unchecked ambition. She will soon realize that nobody is going to fund or support her to run against Barbara Sharief. That would be suicide which is why Holness is trying so hard.

    Dale Holness and Davis will both be left in the cold. This is the classic end to every Judy Stern production. With very few exceptions only she survives the last scene. It’s all so perfectly clear.

  13. Freedom says:

    He is not trying to enhance the political power of the minority community he is only trying to gain personal power by getting his puppet elected.

  14. Paging the Inspector General says:

    Hopefully the inspector general is spending some time in Miramar. I hear that Com Davis and company have settled into corrupt and self serving behavior at record breaking speed!

  15. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    Some of you w/ your comments. What just because Comm.Holeness is Black and so is Sharif, that he has to support her. Comm.Holeness if you really want to turn over the apple cart(sharif) don’t vote for her for to be the next mayor. W/ the Medicare/Medicaid that she owns what is it 1/2 mill-that she has to pay back. Bring this issue up. How can she be the next mayor w/ this hanging over her head. Alarming part is they are not done w/ her yet. Word has it the Feds are looking over her entire operation(never a good thing). As far as Judy stern helping Holeness out, well more power to Judy Stern,. It would not surprise me if it was Judy Stern that tipped off the Feds to begin w/(find me Arillotta Judy), concerning Sharif’s overcharging Medicare. This will be an interesting meeting when this comm. appoints the nest mayor. Comm.Sharif, if you think you are a shoe in-think again. Comm.Larmarca follow suit and don’t endorse Sharif. The others will follow…

  16. Aletheia says:

    Holness is trash. He lies about where he lives, doesn’t pay his property taxes and supports other dysfunctional lying thieves and crooks like jon allen, hazelle rogers and la void williams from Lauderdale Lakes. He’s a simpleton and racist…and one of the poorest examples of a public servant you could ever find! What does Dirty Dale have…seven children with five women? What a role model?

  17. guess what says:

    @guess who

    she has to resign to run and unless term limited in Miramar (elected in 2010) it would defy logic to go for bcc next year

    sharief has plenty of money to hire high priced lawyers and can drag out any additional charges if brought for years

  18. Ghost of McLovin says:

    Sharief frauded medicare, now she’s going to have to answer to the voters. She’s been a disgrace, a lot less than I hoped for. Holness isn’t much better, and cannot be too smart to oppose a sitting colleague – then again, Guzberger threw the whole commission under the bus and they still support her. Dumbasses.

  19. A Broward Voter says:

    Barbara Sharief, Lori Parrish are DINO Democrat In Name only. Sharief is a smart business woman. However she gang up with Chip and others against Holniess by voting to shave of Mckenizes district into Holiness thus giving him an opponent and protecting Chip or John Rodstorm district at the time. Other legislative items Sharief went against him as well. Sharief has money so this race will be interesting.

  20. just one vote says:

    @ Ghost
    so who will challenge holness?

  21. Big Brother says:

    My take is that this is all about jealousy we black people many times hate the success of other blacks. Tell me what does Dale have to give to Alexandra Davis it’s most certainly not money. This lady is being used as a pawn and she will soon find herself on the loosing end. At the County people say that Dale wants to control Sharief and she is quote “not black enough for him” he wants a Caribbean and that is why he is doing this. Shame on Dale we all came from the mother land Africa! Get that through your head you are no better than any other black person. Besides that Sharief stays awake during the meetings I have watched Dale sleeping during workshops and meetings how can this guy control anything?

  22. Big Brother says:

    Also Dale doesn’t attend anything to represent the county if it does not benefit him he does not do it. This lady has a business and is successful she goes all over the place in the community I looked at her Facebook page I don’t think that crap about Medicaid fraud is true the FBI shuts businesses down that do that type of stuff her company is still open and there is nothing to support that. Use logic before making judgments.