Clinton Campaign Schedules Party Tonight
The Hillary Clinton campaign is scheduled to hold a Holiday House Party tonight in Northeast Fort Lauderdale.
For information, see the email address on the bottom of this post.
Here is the e-mailed invitation:
Dear Activist:
I want to thank you for your support for Hillary. You are cordially invited to a…
December 30th, 2015
at 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by:
Linda and Kristin Bird
2790 NE 57th Court
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Delicious main dish provided
Please bring side dish or dessert
Come share some Holiday cheer with your Democratic friends!
All the best,
Linda W. Bird
Broward Chair
HRC Super Volunteers
December 30th, 2015 at 12:15 pm
Bernie Sanders events (including a New Year’s Eve party) here:
December 30th, 2015 at 3:34 pm
Another example of the pitiful condition of the Democratic Party in Ft. Lauderdale which had an event featuring, hold on to your seats, DALE HOLENESS!!! and, a bit less sleazy, TIM RYAN! Gee, have two guys who screw us in Ft Lauderdale out of our FAIR SHARE of RESORT TAXES to give the Panthers 86 Million Dollars! Now these clowns calling themselves Democrats send out this e-mail notice.
Now I am on the e-mail list of Taddeo, Murphy, Hastings, the White House, the Obama Campaign, Charlie Crist, you name it, the Democratic candidate has my e-mail addess – also the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, but this LOCAL DEMOCRATIC GROUP DOESNT HAVE THE ORGANIZATION TO GET MY E-MAIL ADDRESS?
GIVE ME A BREAK! If this was a REAL GROUP the invite would be in my mailbox.
Another example of clowns – clown candidates like Holeness and Ryan, clown officials like Ken Evans and Cynthia Busch – at least Congressman Alcee Hastings knows how to run a PROFESSIONAL Congressional Office – the rest – bunch of clueless clowns!
December 30th, 2015 at 7:08 pm
This gives “the blind leading the blind” a whole new meaning.
No wonder people are sick and tired of politicians, especially those who lie and defraud.