City Manager With Bad Temper Paid To Leave?


After belittling and yelling at at least three of the five city commission bosses, Coconut Creek City Manager David Rivera is on his way out.

The question is when?

It all depends on money.

If Rivera is fired, he gets hundreds of thousands under his contract.

If he quits, nothing.

Word is that he could leave as soon as next Thursday — May 23 — if he can cut a deal over the money.

He wants some severance and he’ll leave his job, according to sources.

Commissioners don’t want to pay any more than they have to.  However, they can’t stand Rivera’s uncontrollable temper anymore.

“I’ve been yelled at, screamed at, told I’m ‘the worst mayor ever. Something does have to be done.” said Mayor Becky Tooley last week.

Rivera has also berated Commissioner Lisa Aronson, Sandy Walsh and members of the public.

It has gotten so bad that commissioners last week decided Rivera needed anger management treatment.

His answer was to seek an exit strategy that would still pay him something.

Stay tuned.

7 Responses to “City Manager With Bad Temper Paid To Leave?”

  1. Heavy D says:

    What a douche

  2. Former Public Sector Employee says:

    Looks like things are out of control in Coconut Creek. The tail is wagging the dog! What’s wrong with these elected officials? Apparently no one was paying any attention when his contract with his over the top salary was negotiated. Fire him, take the financial hit and wise up!

  3. nevins fan says:

    Public sector Employee says nobody was paying attention when his high cost contract was negotiated. Perhaps true but that was an entirely different commission, and then only as of March were there 3 votes – a majority – to make him accountable and ultimately to fire his ass. Now, if we can arrange to change the two remaining commissioners who unfailingly voted and spoke in support of Rivera, perhaps we can really clean house, beginning with Chief Mann, Sheila Rose and Rivera’s
    $107K secretary D.L.

  4. Aletheia says:

    The commission gave away the store in CC…and now they’ll be giving away more to get rid of this guy!

  5. John says:

    I don’t understand why these guys get employment contracts. These managers aren’t athletes.

  6. riverrun says:

    Goodbye Dave,
    Although many powerful people supported you when you became city manager, every one of those people now realize the made a huge mistake.

    I knew it all along-

  7. Mimi says:

    It’s so funny but the commissioners should have thought this was going to happen….They hired Rivera. He is going to get paid to leave when he only had 2 years left! Grow some…people who can’t handle someone yelling, that’s life…people yell. Deal with it & find a way where we (taxpayers) have to pay Rivera to go & pay someone else to take his job! Come on Commisioners THINK ABOUT US WHO DON’T HAVE ALOT OF EXTRA MONEY FOR THIS ACTION!