Candidate Made Major Mistake Before Losing By Eight Votes
Sunrise candidate Jim Tabeek lost his campaign last week by eight vote after a recount.
Maybe one reason was a campaign mistake.
Tabeek ended the last week of his campaign with roughly $11,000 in the bank.
Tabeek appears to have violated what consultants tell me is a basic campaign rule:
Spend everything you have. You won’t have a second chance after the votes are counted.
Now, maybe he used the left over money between the March 7 deadline for his final disclosure form on file and election day, March 12.
It didn’t matter by then, did it? It should have been spent earlier.
This is especially true since an increasing number of voters cast absentee ballots.
If Tabeek had spent that campaign money earlier, he might have made up those eight votes.
Neil Kerch, the winner in the race – by those eight votes – ended the campaign with only $1,900 in the bank.
March 17th, 2013 at 5:58 pm
I guess he didn’t have Judy Stern.
March 17th, 2013 at 8:19 pm
March 17th, 2013 at 9:06 pm
Lesson learned. Priceless. Thanks Buddy.
March 18th, 2013 at 10:13 am
He didn’t get my vote because he supports increased pay and pensions to fire fighters. My taxes cannot handle another increase for the firefighters and cops
March 18th, 2013 at 6:11 pm
Former Mayor Peggy Noland of Deerfield Beach did the exact same thing.
She lost by 27 votes. Rather than listen to professionals who advocated more mail and more ads, she listened to “some people”; instead opting to place cheap ads in local rags instead of spending that money getting her message out properly to likely voters.
She was the better candidate too!
27 votes and a bunch of cash left over? Not smart Peggy.
Listening to lay people about political campaign strategies?
Not smart Peggy.
March 19th, 2013 at 9:40 am
Poor Jim lost the election. Unfortunately,that’s what happens when you hog tie the community with the wrong messages. When you talk out of both sides of your mouth.
This was another good one telling our business community that we are 13 billion dollars in the hole. Then never correcting the error.
Now Jim, you seem to have alot of people to blame for your loss at least that’s what’s going around the City of Sunrise No one lost this for you.
Untie those ropes put on on your big boy pants and take responsibilty for your loss you earned it fair and square.
I can understand why your a bit upset going into earlier retirement and losing that drop money thinking you would earn another paycheck and pension here in the city but sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan.