Candidate For Judge Has 150-Plus Endorsements





Broward Circuit Court candidate Lea Krauss, who is facing three opponents for an open seat, this week posted an amazing 150-plus endorsements on her website.


Lea Krauss two

Lea Krauss


The importance of the endorsements are not that these folks will personally sway people to support Krauss, although some like Vicente Thrower surely can round up votes. Thrower is a go-to consultant in Northwest Broward’s inner city.

The importance is money. The endorsements dry up any money her opponents could get from those 150-plus.

The Krauss endorsement list contains such consistent political contributors as lobbyists Bernie Friedman and Mike Moskowitz, plus legal heavyweights like Michael Dutko and David Singer. There are also plenty of community leaders like Broward College President J. David Armstrong, Jr.

Krauss has raised the most to date among the four candidates for Circuit Court Group 9 — $93,376.  She also kicked in $25,000 of her own.

Her opponent Maxine Streeter has raised $24,768 and loaned her campaign $10,000.  Andrea Gundersen has loaned her campaign $10,000 and raised $325.  Jason Rosner has loaned $500 and raised nothing.

Despite her lead in money, Kruass made a strange missteps with the media recently.  When a non-partisan Internet site approached her with softball questions at a public event, she refused to answer. She reportedly stated, “I’ll have to consult with my campaign staff first.”

Does she think she’s a presidential candidate?  Don’t we want a judge that can think on their feet?

The link to Krauss’ endorsements is here. 


8 Responses to “Candidate For Judge Has 150-Plus Endorsements”

  1. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    1. Are these people endorsing her because of her biography including community contributions worthy of praise or to get liberal especially gay or mostly Jewish left wing goodwill from people like Dean Trantalis so lobbyists Mike Moscowitz n Bernie Friedman can push overdevelopmwnt n tax raids
    liberals especially gays and or mostly Jewish left wingers would oppose?
    2. This Judgeship the Dolphine Democratic people get not to oppose the 80 Million for the Panthers? Dean Trantalis n Steve Glassman will not oppose the Bahia Cabanas land swap?

  2. Experience Matters says:

    I would be more interested to see the list of the case numbers and types of cases that comprise the 50 trials Ms. Krauss claims she has tried between being a Certified Legal Intern and as an attorney.

    Guaranteed, that list will not be forthcoming any time soon.

  3. Bob Nichols, Esq says:

    You can easily check an attorney’s cases through the Clerk’s website, Mr Experience Matters. But let me save you the trouble: I’ve spent many years in our criminal courtrooms and can assure you that Lea Krauss is a very familiar presence in court and a highly respected attorney. So yes…you are quite correct that Experience Does Matter!

  4. Zowie says:

    To the count’s following question, I’d reply, “is the pope from Argentina?”

    Are these people endorsing her because of her biography including community contributions worthy of praise or to get liberal especially gay or mostly Jewish left wing goodwill from people like Dean Trantalis so lobbyists Mike Moscowitz n Bernie Friedman can push overdevelopmwnt n tax raids liberals especially gays and or mostly Jewish left wingers would oppose? – See more at:

  5. Anonymous says:

    What a wonderful idea! Lea Krauss for President!

  6. Judge or Cheerleader says:

    Is this a race for Broward Circuit Court or cheerleader?

    Maxine Streeter, complex litigator.

    Lea Krauss, 150 political hacks with pom-poms.

    Andrea Gundersen, food court tester, tattoo model.

  7. NO TO LEA! says:

    I will not vote for a Judicial Candidate with that many ties (endorsements) with the politicos and lobbyists in Broward.

    With corruption still a problem within Broward’s political culture, Judicial Candidates should not appear so cozy with the elite oligarchs of Broward politics.

  8. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    Yes lea knauss 150 are left wingers who want to bankrupt the public and right wing lobbyists including pseudo liberals who want to bankrupt the public but Frank “I am the Law” who kept Blacks n Unions out of Jersey City elected FDR so lets ask Would Lea Knauss be a Good Judge? Her endorsers are opportunist sleazebags but sometimes you have to dig through a lot of dirt to reach the diamonds n gold. Would be the best Judge of the candidates.