Campaign Polls: Obama’s Support Lagging
Internal campaign polls in Broward County reiterate what anybody who has talked to their friends already know – President Barack Obama is not as popular as he was four years ago.
The polls are an echo of a Sun-Sentinel story over the weekend.
The article said computer modeling of economic and political factors by Moody’s Analytics found Obama’s support has dropped dramatically since 2008 in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties.
Obama is lagging so much behind what he did four years ago that if it persists to Election Day, it would cost him Florida.
Information from internal Democratic campaign polls done as late as last week in Broward found Obama winning about 55 percent of the vote, far below the roughly 67 percent he won in 2008. They were shared with under the promise not to identify the campaigns.
“The president is significantly underperforming,” said one Democrat who asked for anonymity.
The information from the polls is potentially disastrous for Obama, since the county was instrumental in Obama’s victory four years ago in Florida.
In 2008, Obama won Broward by 254,909. He won the state by 236,450.
A 55 percent win would drop Obama’s victory margin here to under 200,000, far below what his re-election campaign had hoped.
Grass roots Democrats blame the economy and some Jewish voters, who abandoned the president because they believe he has not done enough for Israel.
“Some of my friends say they are sick of Obama, but they can’t bring themselves to vote for Romney. They are staying home,” said one Jewish Democratic campaign worker who asked not to be named.
According to the Sun-Sentinel, Moody predicted that Obama would barely break even in Palm Beach County. That may be why he has scheduled a rally for that county tomorrow.
Broward Democrats have already put in a bid to have the president hold a rally here before November 6.
Four years ago, there were two rallies in Broward in the general election campaign. This year, the only rallies have been in Miami-Dade and now, Palm Beach County.
“We need something to turn those numbers around,” said a staffer, who is worried the president will drag down their local campaign.
October 22nd, 2012 at 1:23 pm
How about blaming Mitch Ceaser? He is the pooh bah of the Broward Dems, will they suck an egg again like the did with Alex Sink? Sadly, maybe Obama not doing so great in Broward will finally wake people up to change the DEC
Although Mitch’s critics would like to blame him, he has a minor role in the re-election effort. The Obama for America campaign is running its own show, has its own offices and its own volunteers. That’s probably a good thing since local Democrats are not unified.
If Mitch Ceasar, chairman of the Broward Democratic Party, was to blame, how come Obama is doing worse in Palm Beach County?
No one can be blamed for Obama’s lagging support except Obama.
But remember: Its more than two weeks until the General Election. It could all turn around. And Obama’s forces are hoping to turn out a large number of Democrats in Central Florida, which could offset the losses in Broward.
October 22nd, 2012 at 2:41 pm
If these polls are true and based on what you see on the ground, they probably are, then in addition to Romney crushing Obama in Fl, Lamberti wins by 10 plus as well.
October 22nd, 2012 at 4:23 pm
Interesting the Sun-Sentinel’s sister paper(Orlando) endorsed Mitt Romney, while 4 yrs. ago supported Pres.Obama. Then I saw that our Paper- endorsed Mr.Hasner. Maybe the change in the mangement down there is my answer. Yes the Sun-sentinel has a fairly new editor/publisher-never who have had to endores e a particular canidate-fine but its awful suspect that all of a suuden now we are sooo Republican in Broward esp. I still haven’t decided for President as of yet who i will vote for. Maybe I will come to a better informed decesion after tonight. Seems weird to me all of a sudden “Tribune” here is embracing pratically any Republican. And these Long Cabin Republicans shoul d be ashamed of your group for depicted the Embassordor to Libya Mr.Stevens that he was gay and in return gang raped. This potical club here-is sick. None of that made up scenario is true. And my Long Cabin Republicans the majority of the “GOP” can’t stand you, but they will take your money(lots) all day long…..
October 22nd, 2012 at 6:18 pm
12% more racists in Broward now than there were in 2008?
October 22nd, 2012 at 6:29 pm
55% is still winning. Dems are gonna vote for Obama. Women are gonna vote for Obama.
He’s gonna win in Fla. I don’t believe all these polls (run by white men anyway).
October 22nd, 2012 at 6:32 pm
Lamberti and Bogdanoff win in 2012. LaMarca (“its not my fault my house is in foreclosure”) loses in 2014.
October 22nd, 2012 at 9:03 pm
The Palm Beach Democratic Party isn’t exactly an exemplar either….
The state party has long allowed (and encouraged, via its standard model for county party bylaws!) all of Florida’s county party organizations to use highly defective bylaws which hyper-concentrate power in the hands of the Chair, which is the very opposite of the networked participation model that produces the best results.
The entire Democratic party organization needs to be torn down and rebuilt. That reconstruction needs to be done with the same kind of radical thinking that Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson built into the US Constitution.
October 23rd, 2012 at 6:58 am
Living in a mostly card carrying Republican cul-de-sac, my Calvary neighbors are not shy when they tell me (the lone Democrat) that they will not be voting for Willard Mitt Romney due to his faith, which I find truly abhorrent. Although Billy Grahmn’s website no longer listed the Mormon religion as a cult, my neighbors (who consider themselves “real” Christians) still think Mormonism is a cult and they tell me during our neighborhood roundtable (parents hanging/chatting in front of their houses while the their kids are playing) they are not checking the box for the Republican candidate. They are also leaving the Sheriff’ box unchecked because of Lamberti’s dealing with Rothstein and
getting his son in free for the Superbowl.
If you are wondering why my neighbors tell me what they are thinking, I believe it is because I am an in-your-face Democrat and proud of it. I’m Roman Catholic to boot. When I listen to my neighbors talk politics, I quietly think to myself “Sweet Jesus, please give me the strength to pay off my underwater mortgage, so I can move!” and most importantly “Judge not, lest ye be judged”.
October 23rd, 2012 at 8:01 am
I think that the debate on Foreign Policy last night may make a major change in voters.
I saw a strong decisive Obama, and a weak nervous Romney. Actually when it came to military and diplomatic discussions, Romney actually scared me on what he would do, particularly in how he presented it.
When the debate started I had to hear it on the radio till I got home. It is much different with sound only. Then what you heard from Romney was a lot of defensive stuttering.
And when I got the TV on, I saw his profile when listening the Obama speak. It reminded me of Forest Gump’s profile when he was lost in thought.
On domestic affairs Romney makes a case, and I give him that. But for overall security of our country, it’s not even close, Obama is a far better Commander in Chief. Romney is almost bumbling, and shows his lack of experience in international matters.
Precisely what Bush had which got us into the the economic and international mess that we were in in the first place.
October 23rd, 2012 at 9:41 am
If Mr. Obama only wins 55% of the vote in Broward, he’ll lose Florida by 12 points.
October 23rd, 2012 at 10:54 am
I was bothered by MittBot’s assertion that we have soldiers stationed overseas.
Ask any Marine how (s)he feels about that.
Mitt, we have troops stationed overseas, you turd.
October 23rd, 2012 at 12:38 pm
Thank God for OFA. Can you just imagine if local Drmocrats WERE united? That would make a large difference in the GOTV effort. If Mitch cared about the larger picture, he would step down and allow Democrats in Broward to unite with a leader that they respected and trusted. Unfortunately, Mitch and his minions only care about Mitch which is why local Democrats are at least working with OFA. Some have just walked away altogether out of disgust.
October 23rd, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Think Florida is slipping away from Barak. Needs to win Ohio. Period. If he does that, the election is over and Florida is a moot point. Don’t understand how seniors could vote for Romney. Mind Boggling, unreal…. We gotta have the dumbest voting electorate in the country. Damned, Governor Rick Scott, G.W.B both time. are you kiiiiiding me?
October 23rd, 2012 at 2:55 pm
you are a nit picking, whining, rude little crybaby. Most people get that “soldiers” are troops of SOLDIERS.
October 23rd, 2012 at 3:42 pm
I currently reside in Chesapeake.Virgina. It’s within 10 minutes of Norfolk and Virginia Beach. I have many friends and neighbors now who are in the military; some enlisted, some officers. After reading the 10:54am commentary I made it a point today to ask the friends I met today ( mostly women) what they thought of the comment about being called “soldiers”. 100% of them embraced the title…one young woman said to be, “What else would we be called? That’s what we are!”
October 23rd, 2012 at 4:31 pm
Thank gawd you moved. Now if you would just find something else to obsess over…
Tell that to any Marine … see what they think.
October 23rd, 2012 at 7:03 pm
Dirty Lamberti the criminal looses by a landslide. Obama get dumped because he is a fraud. Talk about crossing party lines. Wow.
October 23rd, 2012 at 8:43 pm
President Barack Obama WILL be the next President of the United States. When you have a group of pretend Statesmen announce on the day of your Inauguration that their goal is to see that you will not be a successful President, and somehow you continue to make things happen in spite of all the opposition; that stands out. The President, unlike the pretend Statesmen has the well being of the entire United States in mind. He is a man of true conviction and great knowledge and there are many who have not advanced with the times.
October 24th, 2012 at 8:48 am
Why do you have to respond to every comment I make? Maybe you can take a drug to get over this. You are good at that.
November 4th, 2012 at 3:34 pm
Since going wireless, I no longer answer any survey or political calls. Why? because it costs me money(carryover cell minutes), which I can use(or not use) for something else.
If even a small fraction of my fellow voters have done as I have, then pre election polling results are going to be wayyy off.
Needless to say, even though I am a conservative. I won’t be voting for any these faux republicans on the ballot.
I.E. Neo-cons who don’t know the concept of being a conservative is, nor whom they are supposed to represent.
Some polls survey cell users.