UPDATED: Rumors On BSO Deputy Not True, Lamberti Comments


Rumors are sweeping through the political world that sheriff’s detectives know who killed Sgt. Chris Reyka, but are sitting on it. They will announce an arrest in late October just in time to help the election of Al Lamberti.

I say that’s garbage. 

So does the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

“Oh, my God.  That’s unbelievable, says Veda Coleman-Wright, a BSO spokeswoman.  “We’d be screaming (the suspect’s names) from the rooftop if we knew them.  It’s not true.

Sgt. Reyka was killed Aug. 10, 2007 while investigating cars in the parking lot of a drug store in Pompano Beach. 


OCTOBER 2:  The sheriff comments in The Miami Herald.

7 Responses to “UPDATED: Rumors On BSO Deputy Not True, Lamberti Comments”

  1. we shall see says:

    Gee Buddy what did you think they would say… why yes we have the evidence but we are waiting until November.

    I hope you will think its garbage in November when this crime “just happens” to get solved.

    Did Jenne initially admit to wrongdoing? No.

    Guess we will wait and see.

  2. Tick Tock Tick Tock says:

    Hey Buddy — any inquiry into the citizen’s arrest warrant request sitting on the desk of the Chief Criminal Administrative Judge for the guys that supposedly killed Reyka.

    She’s a Lamberti supporter and I wonder if she’s sitting on it Lamberti’s request or just to help him.

    If Reyka’s killers are formally arrested/charged sometime near the end of October/beginning of November, I hope you’ll do more to look into this story instead of just taking the Lamberti/BSO PR Machine at face value.

  3. remember when says:

    I remember at thing called Powertrac…

    Rumors all over town that Deputies were being coerced to juice the numbers, make up bogus closed out cases etc.

    What did BSO say then “NO NEVER, POWERTRAC IS CLEAN”

    Gee Buddy I figured you to not be no naieve. Seeing what Rothstien and Stone did to just keep someone from winning the Democratic primary is it really to much to think its that much of a stretch to sit on announcing the Reyka killer until right before the election since they are in custody anyway.

    Do you think it was just a coincidence that after the primary Al changed the design of his campaign bumper stickers to look like those on the cop cars. Was it a coincidence that right after the primary his office settled a ton of suits from the Jenne era. Lets not forget all those stickers at the gas pumps. Come on. They are going to do whatever they have to do to win this.

  4. too funny says:

    Look like the young lion beats out the old lion again.

    While Buddy goes to BSO and surprisingly is told its not true. Norman gets off his but and does some actual reporting.

    Lets see if Buddy puts up my post with the link to normans article in it….doubt it


    Just because a PI with a client and a motive files a “citizens arrest” on somebody doesn’t make that person guilty.
    I don’t doubt the cops have an idea who did the crime. I doubt they are sitting on it for political reasons.
    BSO has to have probable cause and the cooperation of the State Attorney’s Office before they can arrest somebody in such a high profile case.

    As far as Norman, I will wisely restrain from discussing him and his journalism because of ongoing litigation. But this isn’t a contest or a race. There is room for everybody on the Internet.
    Oh, and it is spelled “butt.”

  5. Tick Tock Tick Tock says:

    Wow Buddy.

    Bob Norman has a whole piece on the murder of Chris Reyka and the warrant sitting on Lamberti supporter Judge Ilona Holmes’ desk waiting action.


    While Bob Norman posted similar lame denials from BSO claiming to know nothing about this, he at least researched the facts behind the warrant instead of just dismissing the entire rumor outright.

    If there was any further proof needed that the investigative reporter mantle had been passed on, I think that was it.

    See my comments below, Mr. Tick Tock Tick Tock.
    One thing about Bob Norman and I. We both use our real name when we write something.

  6. Yawn....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    BFD on your last comment Buddy — you want to run a blog or do you want letters to the editor?

    Blogging by its nature promotes and encourages anonymous postings. In your old job, some of these people would be considered “sources”.

    You were given information regarding the stifled arrest warrant and apparently made a call to BSO’s PR department and issued their press release instead of reporting.


  7. Reader says:

    Your first paragraph mentions that Lamberti is running for “re-election”. He has never been elected. He was only appointed to the position.

    FROM BUDDY: Absolutely true. Thanks for catching it. I corrected the mistake.