Update: Broward’s Weird Candidate For Sheriff
Edison Jules, the Ohio wannabe running for sheriff, apparently has so few ties to Broward, he can’t find local pictures to dress up his Facebook page — one more weird flaw in his strange campaign.
Jules used a Facebook profile picture from somewhere, but not Broward. One person who saw it said it looked like Sydney, Australia.
One political picture on Facebook shows him standing in front of a Democratic sign…an Ohio Democratic sign. There is nothing from a Broward Democratic event.
His whole campaign is bizarre.
Jules is ill-prepared to run.
The New Times’ Kyle Swenson couldn’t confirm any of Jules resume. That’s just one problem.
Even if you believe his resume, Jules reports no significant law enforcement experience. He reports no police background in Broward or even Florida.
His resume is here.
Jules does have health care experience in Broward that he probably doesn’t want to talk about on the campaign trail. RedBroward.com reported that Jules’ partner in a seven-month old Lauderhill medical clinic was arrested in February for medical fraud by state agents. Jules resigned as an officer of the clinic roughly a month after the arrest.
Jules doesn’t even appear to know whether he is a Democrat or a write-in candidate, since he signed papers with elections office indicating he is both.
It smacks of a poorly planned political dirty trick by Sheriff Scott Israel’s enemies.
People involved with politics have varying theories about Jules:
(1) Jules was inserted to steal minority community votes from Israel. Somewhere in the future another Democratic candidate will enter the race who will benefit.
(2) Jules is just there to hassle Israel. Those behind Jules include two resentful former supporters, who broke with the sheriff after his losing 2008 campaign.
(3) The sheriff’s campaign put Jules in the race to generate more campaign contributions.
(4) None of the above.
Theories #1 and #3 are farfetched. Theory #2 would be more understandable, given the combative, nasty nature of Broward’s Democratic politics.
Maybe #4 is the only answer. Maybe Jules is just deluded.
The truth is that Jules is not a credible candidate.
Don’t you believe a candidate for sheriff of Broward County should at least know enough to use pictures on Facebook from Broward County?
May 19th, 2015 at 8:51 am
Is it true if you spell Edison Jules backwards it spells Judy Stern?
May 19th, 2015 at 8:55 am
Weird as he may be, some voters will cast their vote for him because of his name. That accomplishes stealing votes from other candidates which must be the mission.
May 19th, 2015 at 9:13 am
(5) Israel Campaign put him in, to, avert any other candidate from jumping in, this is so Ron Gunzburger
May 19th, 2015 at 9:35 am
“Weird” in the context of South Florida or even Florida Stste politics implies rationale behavior by voters and public officials and other candidates. This I submit Mr Nevins goes against my if not your experience over the last half century plus with public life. You are a secret optimist, sir
May 19th, 2015 at 9:45 am
At least he can run. No second chances(did I finally spell it right, some of you are right my spelling, and grammar is worse than a kidneygarder-get it). That Is what happens when you don’t eat your Wheaties(as if) and are basicly a mule for your old man(10g a week)-my father was alive he’d say sure the little maniac calling me a “pill -poppin junkie(you were). Anyhow you know who would show Scott Israel a run for his money is Ft>lau City comm. Bruce Roberts. Oh yeah he would tear the rug up. I hope he runs for mayor though 3yrs from now. As far as this candidate, well he looks nice dressed up. The whole thing is silly… Would the real canidates please come forward . Come on Big Al you know you want back in(Lamberti)….
May 19th, 2015 at 9:52 am
Buddy! Why should this surprise any of us with a long standing Broward, South Florida history? Our state absorbs weirdness. It is our second nature.
Which office can we hope to find you are running to obtain? Count on my vote, always!
May 19th, 2015 at 10:15 am
Send in the clowns.
May 19th, 2015 at 12:25 pm
It’s definitely Sydney, Australia. Google “St. George open air cinema Sydney”. Then look under images.
Edison Jules must be very popular there, just look at the size of the crowd. 🙂
May 19th, 2015 at 1:25 pm
Have a good laugh by rooting around the fellow promoting this nitwit.
May 19th, 2015 at 2:08 pm
Don’t bother.
They’re here.
May 19th, 2015 at 7:44 pm
#3..you mean like what Scumberti did with Wiley Thompson, Rick Lemack, and the fugitive Shaqawhacka?
May 19th, 2015 at 7:45 pm
#5…Lameberti will not run…he cannot take another well deserved humiliation. He knows he would be Baker Acted.