Broward Teachers Union’s Last-Minute Lies





It doesn’t surprise me at the last minute, political campaigns resort to any tactic to win.

What does surprise me is that the Broward Teachers Union has sunk to a new low. Keep in mind that this is an organization that supposedly represents educators who are supposed to teach ethics by example,

The BTU has been sponsoring telephone ads in central east Fort Lauderdale branding incumbent School Board member Heather Brinkworth as anti-gay.

False. A boldfaced lie.



Heather Brinkworth




Don’t hold your breath waiting for Sarah Leonardi to apologize. Leonardi is a BTU’s puppet opposing Brinkworth in School Board District 3. She apparently wants to win at any cost, which is very similar to what’s going on in Washington.

Here is Brinkworth’s recent comment about the telephone assault:


“The past 24 hours has been extremely difficult for our family. We are currently engaged in a non-partisan campaign for school board and over the past few weeks the number of mistruths that have been propagated have increased. I understand the arena of politics can be dirty and I have coached our children to take the high road and that we will not engage in a dirty campaign.

“Over the past 24 hours I have received information about outright lies that cross the line from politics to personal. People supporting my opponent’s campaign have engaged in slanderous, personally hurtful attacks and defamation of my character. I personally heard a recording of the political call that was made in support of my opponent by the Broward Teachers Union and it is reprehensible.

“We teach our children to stand up to those who bully or harass others. We teach our children to raise their voices for what is right. We set policy in the district that provides consequences for this type of behavior. The very organization that represents our teachers has now crossed the line.

“To call into question my commitment to ALL students is abhorrent.

“To outright lie about my support for minorities and the LGBTQ community is detestable.

“To engage in bullying in any form is repugnant.

“I WILL NOT sit by and allow this behavior to go unaddressed. I ask you to commit today to always be an upstander. I ask you today to put these liars in check and cast your vote for me Heather Pomper Brinkworth on or before Tuesday, August 18th.”






2 Responses to “Broward Teachers Union’s Last-Minute Lies”

  1. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    I fell sorry for Heather Brinkworth that a Teachers’ Union has sunk to Trump-Barr.ethic levels in the gutter. School Board Elwctions should be PRIMARILY abput PARENTS trying to educate their children.

  2. Dr. Jearene Binet says:

    I’m also sorry that this happened. The level of the teacher union has indeed dropped. In general, I think we should organize meetings anyway. If there are no meetings, then it will be difficult for parents to achieve the truth, communicating constantly only with the child. You need to act and think sensibly. Of course this is difficult, especially now, when covid is raging all over the world, but it is better not to limit parents like that.