Broward School Supt Runcie Get Pensions Boost If He Keeps His Job Until October





Thank you, Abby Freedman.

Freedman was reviled by some when she was on the Broward School Board because she was a sycophant of Superintendent Robert Runcie. But she was so much more important to Runcie than just another School Board lackey.

Freedman handed Runcie thousands of dollars in additional pension benefits during closed door negotiations in 2017.  That generosity with our money came just two weeks before her position of chairwoman ended.

Abby Freedman

Freedman’s expensive gift requires Runcie to be superintendent until at least October to get a pension boost. It may explain why he continues to hang on in Broward despite increasing criticism of his leadership. 

That criticism includes a new statewide Grand Jury investigation and a stinging editorial this weekend in the Sun-Sentinel. 

Here are the facts obtained from School Board minutes and other documents:

Freedman and Board General Counsel Barbara Myrick negotiated the new pension benefits for Runcie in a few hours on Oct. 18, 2017.  

The new benefits handed Runcie thousands of dollars in additional pension money if he stays in charge of the Broward system until October. He gets another boost if he remains until 2021.   

Here is the pension clause in the new contract:



Runcie became superintendent on Oct., 11, 2011. So eight years as superintendent, when the first pension bonus kicks in, would be October of this year. 

The costs to taxpayers are vague. Based on the history of the school system, it will only increase from the estimates of $158,000 given School Board members in 2017.

In addition to the pension benefits, the new contract also gave Runcie a $28,000 raise. He now earns $335,000 annually. 

He also received $3,000 more in insurance benefits and five additional vacation days-a-year, worth an estimated $6,834.

Thank you, Abby and Runcie’s other flunkies on the School Board. They voted 6-2 to approve the contract. 

Only members Heather Brinkworth and Robin Bartleman opposed the new deal.  Member Nora Rupert was absent

During the debate over the contract, Freedman ruled that Rupert, a long-time Runcie critic, could not participate in the meeting by phone. Using a phone to participate is something School Board members have done in the past. 



Nora Rupert 


Freedman has since left the Board, choosing not to run for reelection. She was replaced by Lori Alhadeff, a Runcie skeptic.

During the meeting, members Laurie Rich Levinson and Patricia Good spoke in favor of the new contract along with members of the business community and the Broward Teachers Union. 

Good cited how Runcie overcame the stain of a 2010 Grand Jury which blasted Broward’s school for widespread mismanagement and corruption. 

Now Broward schools is being investigated by another statewide Grand Jury.  But Ms.Good continues to stick by Runcie. 

(This is the fourth Grand Jury investigation of Broward Schools in 22 years!)

Runcie has already been abandoned by the Sun-Sentinel’s Rosemary O’Hara and her editorial board.

Rosemary O’Hara


In perhaps the most powerful editorial I’ve read in my decades following and working for the newspaper, the paper this weekend blasted the School Board, Runcie and General Counsel Myrick.

It called the School Board “broken” and”deeply divided” over Runcie’s fate.  Most telling was the allegation that the school system stank from a “specter of corruption” caused by an out-of-control Runcie-led administration, aided by Myrick.

The Sun-Sentinel is frankly a shadow of what it was a decade ago. Yet the editorial page under O’Hara remains a must-read for at least two important institutions in Broward — the political community and the business community. 

No doubt the political community is bombarding Gov. Ron DeSantis and the legislative leadership with links to the editorial today. 

No doubt some in the business community, who have propped Runcie until now, nearly choked on their morning croissant and latte when they read the editorial. They are surely rethinking their support today. 

Business types want government to run smoothly and without controversy.  How you convince a company to move to Broward when the School Board is under Grand Jury investigation again…again?  What family wants to move to Broward if the schools are a caldron of controversy?

So how long will it be before the busines types abandon Runcie?

Your guess is as good as mine, so that leaves the School Board. 

Runcie hangs on by a single vote. 

Those who appear to be ready to show Runcie the door are Lori Alhadeff, Robin Bartleman, Heather Brinkworth and Nora Rupert. 

His supporters are Ann Murray, Donna Korn, Rosalind Osgood, Laurie Rich Levinson and Patricia Good. 

(Osgood, Levinson and Good all are rumored to want to run for another office! I kid you not.)  

Runcie’s Gang of Five days may be numbered anyway. Once the statewide Grand Jury starts using subpoenas to turn over rocks, snakes will crawl out. 

Snakes are not selective about who they bite. 

Some will bite Runcie and his staff.  

And others will firmly bite into the hide of Runcie’s School Board supporters.

24 Responses to “Broward School Supt Runcie Get Pensions Boost If He Keeps His Job Until October”

  1. Outraged!!!! says:

    Today is a great day for Broward Schools. Between the Sun Sentinel editorial board and your article Buddy, it shows how much garbage has been going on in the district!!! The five Board Members have been called out and Myrick’s true colors are in public view. How long will it take for Runcie to quit or be fired? Even if he is fired, the five Board Members need to go!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    You forgot to mention Runcie’s ace in the hole. The School Board and businesses are scared to criticize him because they will be called racist. What a world!

  3. Linda says:

    Runcie has no pride. If he did he would resign and end his time here and just move on. At his salary, $20,000. +++ extra is meaningless. Retire, Enjoy your pension and life. Give us a break. Why be greedy ? …sigh…

  4. For the kids says:

    The Sun-Sentinel editorial column may be correct but, it does not have any political influence which they desire. They support the wrong candidate on a regular basis.

    The School Board management needs to change based on the past poor performance and for the simple fact that we can not move forward divided. Until we have new officials and management, the detractors will continue to fight the organization. Hope detractors will become part of the solution at some point. We must come together to create positive change. 911 changed how we travel. Parkland shooting will change how we deal with mental illness, weapons, and school security.

  5. WhoKnew says:

    Not all is part of a race card. He had no ace. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.

  6. City activist Robert Walsh says:

    My take.Mr.Runcie will make not it to October.Gov.has indicated he wants complete investigation on Runcie and the school be.Last time they were investigated it was stated that if they could terminate all of them they would be gone.Basically called and their actions criminal.So without a doubt another investigation will have same result.The Gov.wants Mr.Runcie gone.Runcie will be gone by end of school year or shortly before new school sessions starts…

  7. He ain't heavy, he ain't FROM here says:

    This is unprecedented. Even the far left is demanding Runcie’s ousting. NEVER before have I seen democrats praise a republican governor. Ordering a GJ investigation was the appropriate intervention. Let the chips fall where they may. Predict that Korn is in trouble. Runcie’s biggest obstacle for a long time has been Osgood. Folks tune into the meetings to be entertained by her recurrent malaprop. He may have been able to stay under the radar without her attention seeking rants that reflect very poorly on him. He’s from rural upstate NY. Her Broward ” You my brother” shtick is making this man come across as a cowardly feckless wimp.

  8. Allen Konis says:

    Runcie’s days are numbered. This will take time but he will be out. Let the system work.

  9. Enough! says:

    It’s finally moving. How many directors or cadres do we need at the top? Top heavy but not enough money for teachers and employees… talking about having the employees pay for their insurance next year or half of it.
    Like transportation few years back, nepotism is worth than ever. Check Mr. Wood Dept.

  10. Amyriel Britton says:

    Boward Schools Board system is broken because of people like Anne Murray, Roslind Osgood ,Pataricia Good, Donna Korn Barbara Myrick and lets not forget Anna Fusco President of the Boward BTU., they have all supported Runcie and we need to fire all of them . Here it is Anna Fusco is running unopposed for BTU President again because of the dirty tactics they used in not notifying 99 percent of union members that elections will be held in March. This lady also bullies members and any one whom she thinks oppose her or Runcie. They all need to just go.

  11. Rightwinger says:

    #6 you are right on it. The new Governor will pick them off one by one. Get your affairs and job resume in order. The tax payers should not have the burden to up this incompetent administrators pension. Get ready members.

  12. Count. LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    Every White person from me to Rosemary Ohara can damn Runcie n call on Rosalind Osgood to dump him BUT IT AIBT AGIN’ HAPPEN. The Mt Olive Church. the Mt Olive Development Corporporatiin the West Side Gazette OSGOOD’s BASE sees everything from poorr uneducated Black NW Ft Lauderdale eyes. There is corruption all over n excepy for Scott Israel – a Black ally – only Blacks get held to account. Can you really blame Osgood for her position – WRONG AS IT IS?

  13. I M Wright says:

    Myrick is the Board attorney. Too often she has been a Runcie mouthpiece. She is not an independent voice for the Board and the Board needs its own attorney. BTW, Runcie has his own attorney looking out for him & HIRED AND PAID FOR by the School Board.

  14. Sunny Smith says:

    Talking that Runcie is already making deals to get rid of Brinkworth and Bartleman in the next election.

  15. Partly Cloudy says:

    Won’t be too hard to “get rid” of Bartleman in next election because she’s already announced a run for the Florida House!

  16. Hailey says:

    Any editorial board who reads comments and notes that every person is favoring the position of the editorial needs to take a clear look at the audience. Either 100% of Broward supports you, or you’ve managed to draw only a particular audience to your news. If the latter is the case, is it really news or akin to the National Enquirer?
    The fact is there are more people who support Runcie as a Superintendent than don’t. The fact is that Parkland does not represent all of Broward. It is the loud minority. And while people mourn for those in Parkland who have lost so much, the media and others are capitalizing on their grief. The unspoken truth is the media has created a division so great that those who once stood with Parkland has begun to resent what the interpret as entitlement. A definite divide has been created of haves and have nots, and there are no winners here.
    Firing Runcie is not the answer. There are very few people who can come to such a large, complex school district and lead. It would take at least a full year to get up to speed. The only answer really is to leave Runcie in the job and FULLY and COMPLETELY support him and hold him accountable for leading. The constant blaming and ridiculing only serves to deepen the grief and suffering of the people in Parkland and further the racial and economic divide of those in the entire county.
    Allow Runcie to earn his pension just as everyone else strives to do in their career. Support him in every way so that he is able to implement measures to keep students safe and continue with the successes he has shown with student achievement. No one can do the job you the people are demanding if the media continues to the attacks that keep Runcie and Board on the defense as opposed to running an offense that gains yards and earns points.

  17. Hailey says:

    On my way to the meeting at Taravella to observe the entire county… not just the MSD community. Came out here to see my response from a couple days ago. Not here. Wonder why? If you are not open to publishing contrasting points of view.. then I say again, this is not real journalism.

  18. City activist Robert Walsh says:

    #16.One caveat which is an important one is the Gov.wants him gone.Also to point these shooting victims families want Me.Runcie gone.He must go in order for these families get closure.When griefing, which is a bitch u need to find something etc to move on( closure).My take.Mr.Runcie again will be gone by either the beginning of the next school year.or by end of this year.

  19. Runcie Shame says:

    Hailey, you are so wrong on Runcie. With his support of the promise program, he helped pull the trigger in the Parkland Shooting. He can not remain and should hang his head in shame for what he did.

    His support in Broward is about 20%.

  20. Count. LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    I live in Ft Lauderdale but have business interests in Plantation Hollywood n Hallandale formerly in Deerfield Beach n Pompano Beach in recent years. # 16 n # 17 reflects THE BLACK COMMUNITY VIEW OF ABOUT 20% of the County. The 80% White Hispanic Asian THINK RUNCIE HAS BEEN A HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT EDUCATIONALLY n RECENTLY A DISASTER ADMINISTRATIVELY.


  21. What good fathers teach their sons says:

    As a minority, I am sure of one thing. Each and every time “wrong” is defended on the basis of race, it sets back progress many years.
    This school fiasco is about more than safety. A captain goes down with the ship. Period. It doesn’t matter that the watchman on the deck saw the iceberg; YOUR ship, your watch. YOU resign. That’s about being a man and a person of character. If you expect to be judged by the content of your character, as you should, demonstrate that you have character. Runcie, to date, has equated himself with the coward of Broward. His continued association with a few race hustling clergy of Broward will prevent him from ever securing a true leadership position as he moves on. He is not seeing the big picture. Tragic for a man of his educational level and previous accomplishments to be so misguided.

  22. Bye Bye says:

    Osgood would never be eligible to be a Board Member if it was required they have to pass a background check (like every other employee must). The Governor should make this a requirement for ALL. Anne Murray, Roslind Osgood,Pataricia Good,and Donna Korn have always supported Runcie since they became Board Members. While the Governor watches the vote, if it does not pass, the 4 of them need to be replaced by the Governor. The public will be watching Tuesday and will then have their vote on the polls, who stays and who “is fired!” Also, why do we, as taxpayers, have to pay the transfer fees of Runcie’s investment plan to FRS? Has anyone looked into tho much that is costing us…perhaps $100k? He has gotten many benefits during his tenure, he should not be allowed to do this at our expense!

  23. Hailey says:

    When I read things like, “the PROMISE program is the cause of what happened at MSD”, I conclude that people understandably need someone and/or something to blame for their grief.
    I have read the Commission Report and yesterday I watched the sheriff from Pinellas county give a report to the Broward School Board. He was CLEAR for the umpteenth time that Promise had absolutely nothing to do with what happened February 14, 2018 at MSD.
    And when the media remains mute and allows this story about Promise to continue without correction, you (Bob) are complicit in perpetuating willful ignorance and falsehoods.
    Fake News sounds so cliche… but it surely fits.

  24. Count. LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    Why did Heather vote FOR RUNCIE?