Broward School Board’s Rosalind Osgood Preachifying For Jesus Thrills Church Crowd





Rosalind Osgood is the chair of the Broward School Board, but she could easily have a career as a barn-burning preacher.

Osgood passionately proclaimed her love for Jesus on the stage of the Calvary Chapel last week.  By the end, she had the crowd on their feet.



Rosalind Osgood


This is a very religious woman who credits Jesus with saving her from a life of failure, poverty and possible addiction.  She is very active in the Mt. Olive Baptist Church and has her own ministry.

I’m not at all like contributor Sam Fields, an outspoken atheist proselytizer. I have no trouble with people being religious.

Osgood was making her highly religious comments in a church, not at the School Board or a secular setting.

My problem is one or two lines in her long testimony when she commented that luckily some of the school principals were moved aside and their positions were filled “with principals that were saved. Principals that loved the Lord.”

That sounds like she believes there should be a religious test for picking staff. If so, that would be wrong.

This is a highly diverse community.  There are students from families that believe in all types of Christianity, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus, Scientologists and every other belief imaginable.  Plus atheists.

Osgood needs to keep that diversity in mind and keep her religiosity out of the public schools.

Below is the link to the fascinating “Night of Prayer and Worship” on May 4.  Osgood starts at roughly 48 minutes in and goes for about 10 minutes.

You decide for yourself.



27 Responses to “Broward School Board’s Rosalind Osgood Preachifying For Jesus Thrills Church Crowd”

  1. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    As an observant Jew who supports Israel despite hard to stomach Netanyshu n his clique or the wacko West Bank racist Settlers n believing Jerusalem should become LEGALLY the capital of Israel I OPPOSE ANY N ALL DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ANY MOSLEM OR CHRISTIAN WHO THINKS OTHERWISE as Government hss NO RIGHT UNDER OUR CONDTITUTION TO INTEREST THEMSELVES IN PEOPLES RELIGION OR OTHER THOUGHTS.


    Dr Osgood is crossing a line THE CONSTITUTION NOT I HAVE DRAWN

  2. Talks like a politician says:

    Why is it that those who claim to celebrate diversity want everyone to be cast from the same mold as themselves? That is racism!

  3. Ft. Lauderdale class of 86 says:

    I don’t agree with 99.9% of the school board but really??? She made a comment in a church about some principles that go to church. Who cares!!!!! Write real stories about the young girls in Pompano on the stroll addicted to drugs around the Dixie/Hamondville area. Take a ride through there sometime and talk to these KIDS from all walks of life. I’m sick and tired of reading fluff stories of so and so said this, art in public places, bikes for rent ,etc. There’s an epidemic out there and nobody wants to address it. It’s not a feel good story. I love this site. Hell, even Sam but come on. Start doing these types of stories where you might actually do some good and Force a politician to do some REAL community work. I love to see a politician sweat. Leave the Dr. alone. They’re all failing on their own. They don’t need any help.

  4. Chris F. says:

    Dr Osgood is a prolific preacher. In the church arena is preaches the unadulterated Word of God. She uses the authority of the spoken word to turn lives around but once she gets on the school board Dias she takes on a different approach. She becomes the opposite. The bible says love and kindness have I drawn but her arrogance and distasteful acts to others because her and her partner runcie integrity is challeged. This is not the way. This is lukewarm. He will vomit you out his mouth. Either he wants you cold or hot.

  5. A none says:

    I watched the clip from Calvary Chapel. I must say as a none, I find the School Board Chairperson, Rosalind Osgood, is out of line proclaiming God moved out the unbelieving and brought in the those who love Jesus Christ. Osgood also says the teachers are now ministering to the children. I have to wonder how the teachers feel about that? I agree with the Count, the Constitution of the United States says there is a separation of church and state. I guess someone needs to remind Osgood of that. The remarks made by Osgood during the Calvary Chapel meeting are not the first time she has called upon God. I was very offended during her swearing in ceremony for the school board because she prayed for quite a long time during the ceremony. Osgood does not know there is a line between church and state and therefore has no problem crossing the line on a regular basis. The best part of the clip was the jumping around in circles after she said “AMEN”. What a showman!

  6. Chaz Stevens, Genius says:

    > The bible says love and kindness


    The bible also talks about throwing infants against rocks, rape, murder, slavery, and a whole assortment of other fun ideas for a Friday night!

    Why don’t you grab a different book… Maybe something by Kant.

    Religion is a plague on mankind. All religion is bad, including whatever silliness you believe in. Religion rapes little altar boys, blows people up, and all sorts of stupid shit.

    Fuck you and your God.

    PS Thanks Buddy for deleting this comment as usual.


    I won’t delete this because the comment pertains to the subject.

  7. Charlotte Greenbarg says:

    The really outrageous hypocrisy is that she’s using religion to gin up support for her re-election.

    And of course she has to interject her religious litmus test for principals to make sure everyone there knows about it.

    Where’s the ACLU on the litmus test and the “ministering” that she says is going on?

  8. Moreofthesamecrap says:

    Religion has no business in schools or on the dais. I can’t wait for the EEOC complaints to come in on this one. The school board is already worried about their poor track record at winning law suites.

    Maybe someone should check into her nonprofit and who (or what entity) gives to it?

    Osgood is up for reelection. Vote!

  9. Just asking!!! says:


    Please remove this particular article, it is completely inappropriate.


    It is completely appropriate to see what your School Board members believe in.

  10. Calcetines says:

    Our forefathers made it clear there shall be be the separation of church and state. A lesson from their forefathers from Medieval Europe.

  11. Student Advocate says:

    I was uncomfortable at the Board Members swearing in ceremony where I felt a little like being at a “tent revival” when it came time for Dr Osgood’s turn to comment.

    After just watching her comments at Calvary I am deeply disturbed.

  12. Julie hibbs says:

    Here is a video of her praising Jesus at a school board YEARS ago…ACLU could have cared less. This was her response when people used her language. They were pleading NOT to have their schools closed and this is the response

    And Calvary Chapel and it’s leadership should be ashamed. I begged for them to become active and help end child abuse in school….nope celebrate the criminal helping to cover crimes against Children….praise Jesus

  13. Chaz Stevens, Genius says:


    For nearly 30 years, I proudly donated to the ACLU.

    And when I started pressing the issues (1st/4th rights), I reached out to them for assistance.

    Not a peep.

    Fuck the ACLU. They couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with $5,000 falling out of their pockets.

    Don’t expect the ACLU to come to the aid … Now, the folks from the FFRF … that’s the ticket.

  14. Mia says:

    Maybe new teachers and new administrators need to add this to their resumes…. I am so tired of people using race and religion for personal gain. Buddy you need to keep digging. There’s so much more to uncover!

  15. SAM FIELDS says:

    Buddy writes about me and him:
    “I’m not at all like contributor Sam Fields, an outspoken atheist proselytizer. I have no trouble with people being religious.”

    This might be the most intellectually dishonest sentence written in the history of the English language.

    He stands in awe of Osgood proselytizing “for” for religion as long as it is that Jesus walking on water or that raising the dead crap.

    She proclaims that she got two principals appointed because because of their religious beliefs.

    She makes it clear that Article VI of the Constitution, which prohibits a “religious test” for office, does not apply to her.

    If she actually did that she should be removed from office in the same way Jeb Bush forced the resignation of O’Neil Dozier from the Judicial Nominating Commission for inquiring about the religious beliefs of applicants for the bench.

    I am quite sure Buddy would not have been in such awe if it was a Scientology rant about the Thetans, etc. that ended with proclaiming that she was proud that new principals were appointed for being “Clear”.

    He then goes on to criticize me for proselytizing against the beliefs of people like her and standing up for science and The Constitution.

    These are people who think the Earth is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs and people walked around to together. Note to the idiots at Calvary and Mt. Olive: The Flintstones is not a documentary.

    Sorry Buddy, but proselytizing is not a one way street for “Nevins approved religions” as much as you would like it to be that way.

  16. Juliet hibbs says:

    @Chaz. Never expected them to help. That was a video proving Osgood uses the school board seat to push her agenda

  17. You are right, Chaz says:

    Seems like you often misread people and situations .

  18. Roger Moore says:

    the Devil takes refuge behind the cross

  19. carolina says:

    WHAT CRAP: Principals who were saved & loved the Lord. How does she know this – just because they said so? Doesn’t she know that they will say just what she wants to hear in order to get the job? I guess it worked – they got the jobs!

  20. Constitution lover says:

    You “commented that luckily some of the school principals were moved aside and their positions were filled “with principals that were saved. Principals that loved the Lord.” Your statements were taken from Browardbeat, where they also have the audio tape. We are not permitted to have a religious litmus test for working with the Broward County School System. You are working for the Government, you are a School Board Member and have an obligation to uphold the Constitution of the United States. You have a strong religious conviction, which is fine for you Ms. Osgood but that same conviction should not be mandatory for anyone else in the School System to either advance or keep their job. You may have made the statement in Church but you referred to this practice taking place within the Broward School system. If your convictions are so strong that you can not separate Church and State then please step down.

    Along with everything else that was wrong with your statements, you have opened the School Board, and indirectly myself as a taxpayer, to lawsuits for wrongful termination from anyone that is not a strong believer in your faith and who has lost their job within the system.

  21. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    @15 long time Attorney Sam Fields @20 Constitution Lover raise the issue of a Public Official issuing a religious issue for public employment. She as head of her Church’s housing group gets PUBLIC HOPWA FUNDS. You can bet the kitchen sink someone will look into whether she is DISCRIMINATING as head of that program.

  22. Juliet Hibbs says:

    @Constitution lover. I encouraged someone to do this TODAY

  23. carolina says:

    This is a p.s. to my #19 comment:
    None of us will know if we are saved or not until we “reach the Pearly Gates”. Talk is cheap – actions speak louder than words!

  24. You are wrong, Chaz says:


    It wasn’t the issue, they didn’t care about.
    It was something else.

  25. Charlotte Greenbarg says:

    Chaz, I ditched the ACLU years ago in Dade. Dade Schools wouldn’t allow my group to participate with all the others in Open House night, even forbidding us to use the sidewalk to hand out our ed reform brochures.

    The ACLU took our case for equal access. Then the head of it died, and they replaced him with his wife, who was a highly placed administrator in…..Dade Schools.

    Guess what came next. They decided not to take our case after all.

  26. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    The ACLU in Miami-Dade are only interested in defending terrorists, alleged terrorists, and various kinds of degenerates, especially if they hate America. When a REAL CIVIL RIGHTS CASE is sent to them that involves a normal person being squeezed by government with a Constitutional Question involved they run for the hills. And YES, they don’t like to take cases of White people to be honest.Howard Simon is the biggest faker the Miami Herald ever promotes with uncritical coverage.

  27. Juliet Hibbs says:

    Now, I am looking for atheist groups that will take it to court. She is a boon that is not intelligent enough for the position!! Simple concepts Luke freedom of speech, equity and truth mean nothing!!! Praise Jesus we abuse because we care. Her view