Broward Politics: Three Petty School Board Members Squabble Over Board’s Group Photo
Guess what is being talked about behind closed doors at the School Board’s offices.
Not school safety.
Not Superintendent Robert Runcie’s barefaced lies about the Parkland shooting suspect.
Not the repeated bungling by staff of school renovations.
No, Board members and staff can’t stop whispering about members Abby Freedman, Laurie Rich Levinson and Rosaline Osgood’s refusal to take the traditional group picture as long as Nora Rupert is Board Chair. This from staff and board sources.
The fault really lies with Freedman and Osgood, who are skipped a scheduled picture repeatedly. Levinson has missed at least one picture appointment, is no friend of Rupert and is grouped with the others as thwarting the photograph by sources in the School Board offices.
Rosaline Osgood
Nora Rupert
Freedman, Levinson and Osgood won’t admit, of course, that their dislike of Rupert is why they never seem to find time to take the picture with the rest of the Board. At least one of the three claim a scheduling conflict when staff tries to set a date for the picture.
This has been going on since November when Rupert became chair.
“They won’t pose with her out front. One has a conflict and can’t come. Then another has a conflict,” one source told “Its ridiculous.”
This is not the first time Freedman and Osgood’s have sunk to the level of ill-behaved children over Rupert.
In 2013 Osgood and Freedman were caught acting like two naughty teens in class, passing a Post-it note on the dais during a meeting. One of them threw the note in the garbage and it was quickly fished out.
The Post-it was found contain nasty scribbles about Rupert, calling her a “a selfish bitch” among other terms. It was leaked to the media.
These shenanigans would be funny. Except Levinson, Freedman and Osgood are not kids, but middle-age elected officials who vote on a billion dollar budget each year.
This is why Rupert rubs Freedman, Levinson and Osgood the wrong way, say sources:
Rupert won’t dance blindly to Runcie’s tune. She often publicly peppers Runcie with questions about his policies.
Isn’t challenging the staff part of the job description?
Not according to Freedman, Levinson and Osgood, Browardbeat was told.
These three slavishly back Superintendent Runcie. They believe questioning him in public creates a negative picture in the community of the superintendent and the school system.
“I’m told that Osgood said that she’ll take the picture in November,” another schools source told Browardbeat.
November is when Rupert’s term as chair ends.
Freedman, Levinson and Osgood!
When those three act like spoiled brats, they should be treated like spoiled brats. Maybe its time that voters sent them to the Time Out Chair….for good.
May 18th, 2018 at 2:53 pm
I have watched Nora Rupert fight to make improvements to schools, graduation rates in minority communities, teacher pay and equality of treatment and resources. And when she has had to challenge the administration to get answers; she has. For some school board members to avoid a historical picture probably because they’re afraid of offending Runcie shows they are too weak to help protect our kids and teachers.
In Pompano Beach we support Nora because she supports us and our kids. Nora Rupert has the determination to tackle the tough challenges and issues.
May 18th, 2018 at 2:59 pm
I say right back at them should say Mrs.Rupert.Don.t want your pic taken, take it without them.Its the voters that matter.Who cares who likes u or doesn.t Nora.Mrs.Rupert doesn.t seem to have any trouble getting elected so more power to her.Levinson should be more concerned about her next election ( with a parent of the Parkland school shooting running against her) than this petty picture crap.Will see who is around after school bd.elections.Wait Nora u got nothing to worry about.Hit them even harder Nora.Good luck.Shame on Osgood.Levinson and Freedman.
May 18th, 2018 at 6:33 pm
@2 – Both Levinson and Rupert are on the 2018 ballot. Levinson’s campaign has raised over $33K and her only opponent has raised $25. Rupert’s campaign has raised $27K and she has two opponents, one of which has raised almost $18K; the other one has raised over $1K.
Ms Rupert needs our support.
Ms. Levinson needs a strong opponent.
May 18th, 2018 at 8:28 pm
And we wonder why the kids are squirrely! The adults are nuts. Vote them out.
May 18th, 2018 at 8:36 pm
Ryan Petty looks like a good answer to this nonsense.
May 18th, 2018 at 11:22 pm
My God… third graders are more mature than these petty women! The solution is simple – schedule the sitting. If Freedman, Osgood, and Levinson don’t want to be in the picture with the duly elected Chair of the School Board, so be it. Proceed without them. They will not be missed!
May 19th, 2018 at 9:03 am
@3 Dr. Richard Mendelson is now running against Levinson. He is an amazing candidate, that has extensive teaching and psychology experience and schooling. Get the word out to people in District 6 to vote for him. Look him up at
May 19th, 2018 at 9:29 am
Nora is a relentless fighter for what is right. Get rid of those who are wasting our time and money. Keep fighting, Nora!!!!
May 19th, 2018 at 10:08 am
Osborne, Freedman and Levinson never had any experience that would make them good School Board members. Osborne was in someposition in the church, Freedman was a house wife and Levinson is the daughter of Nan Rich. Ann Murray is a loser who at least worked in the system in the bus division,
May 19th, 2018 at 10:09 am
Freedman has something wrong with her.
May 19th, 2018 at 12:30 pm
Freedman and Rich Levinson will be voted out of office on their rear ends in August. It will take two more years to get rid of Osgood since she still has two more on her current term. Maybe we can convince the Governor to suspend her once the FDLE report comes out. We can have four new members by August 28th and with Rupert will give us a majority to terminate Runcie by the September board meeting.
May 19th, 2018 at 1:20 pm
This is the time for Broward voters to stand up and make their voices heard. Abby Friedman needs to be voted out. Her dislike and obvious hatred of the School Board Chair, Nora Rupert, is outrageous. Friedman is petty and does not do her homework. Dr. Osgood is not running this time, but she is two faced and should have been tossed out 2 years ago. Perhaps, there will be another viable candidate running against her the next time as well. Laurie Rich-Levinson has at times been a good School Board member. Unfortunately, she has allowed herself to fall in line with the others mentioned. There is someone now running against her and may the best candidate win. Ann Murray is running this time. Ms. Murray barely won her last election. Ms. Murray is usually unprepared and votes with the Superintendent. This time the person running against her has a good relationship with the working people of the school system. Donna Korn is also running. Ms. Korn asks excellent questions, comes prepared, but many times forgets she is not a representative of the superintendent. If she is re-elected, it is my hope she will be more forthcoming on the SMART bond, be more accessible for schools which are all around the county and show she has a love for poor as rich children. Our current School Board Chair, Nora Rupert, has been a champion for all the students in our county. Ms. Rupert tirelessly works to make sure each and every child is represented. Ms. Rupert questions Mr. Runcie and his staff at each and every meeting. She does not take their uninformed answers but keeps at them until they have to tell the truth. Her opponent is a nice man but is a supporter of Mr. Runcie and I do not want to see another “yes” person on the School Board. Please come out and vote and make an informed decision.
May 19th, 2018 at 3:42 pm
@7 Mendelson is the Levinson opponent whose campaign has raised a grand total of $25 against Levinson’s $33K…
May 20th, 2018 at 8:40 am
I’m running in a District 6. My campaign fund is far smaller than my opponent’s, but my knowledge and understanding of how to fix broken systems is far larger. So long as one has enough, money doesn’t win elections. Stances on issues and ability to get work done wins elections.
Come see my website:
Come visit my FB Page: Mendelson for Broward County Public Schools
Come and speak with me at any of the events I have scheduled. Better yet, call me on the phone. I have little interest in being a media darling. I want to get the work done.
May 20th, 2018 at 6:30 pm
#12 Osgood is not two faced. She is mean. She hangs out at at some church. I was told that the church is filleda cult. A staff person told me that Osgood only talks to Freedman. She refused to interact with other board members. I also learned last month that Rupert campaigned against Osgood during Osgood’s last election. From what I’m hearing Rupert imakes it clear that she dislike Osgood. She shouldn’t worry about Osgood she’s getting married this week. She is not planning to run again. She’s relocating.
May 20th, 2018 at 7:13 pm
Not enough people read this !!!
May 21st, 2018 at 7:30 am
Dr. Mendelson
You should ask Sean Philippi why you weren’t permitted to introduce yourself at the press conference forMr. Petty and the woman running against Abby Freedman?
I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Sean was previously involved in the campaign of your opponents mother Senator Nan Rich.
These poor Parkland families will not find out until it is too late that the real “family” in Broward politics is a cadre of consultants and ass kissers tied to and willing to protect the establishment i.e. the Sheriff, School Board & Runcie and the County Commission. They see all that money that has been raised in Parkland and the wealth of its residents. The cadre will take their money, lose elections and tell Parkland families they made a difference in losing….
May 21st, 2018 at 11:17 am
Someone reminded me over the weekend that the last person Shawn Philippi ran for school board is now serving a 10 year prison sentence. Best of luck to anyone who involves him in the campaign. Just know that you are supporting what is wrong with Broward Politics. You are now part of the problem, not part of the solution.
May 21st, 2018 at 11:29 am
@15. Strange Colt – @12 Concerned Citizen
“…. A staff person told me that Osgood only talks to Freedman. She refused to interact with other board members. I also learned last month that Rupert campaigned against Osgood during Osgood’s last election…”
Isn’t there a Sunshine Law that prohibits board members from communicating directly for collusion?
The litmus test for Broward, particularly after the Sante Fe TX slaughter on Fri 5/18 will be if we can oust every board member running and Runcie, and Israel. if Nora Rupert is worth keeping, fine Axe the rest. Stupidly I voted for osgood trying to give…a chance. So we got three terms +/- from a do-nothing and she can leverage the credibility of her ‘Elected” service for a bigger gig elsewhere. Good riddance.
May 21st, 2018 at 4:34 pm
Strange Colt #15: I hate to correct you, but Nora Rupert did no campaigning in the last election for Osgood’s opponent. What really happened was Abby Friedman and Laurie Rich Levinson actively campaigned for Osgood.
May 22nd, 2018 at 10:35 am
For the record its Friedman & Korn have a patent of the Parkland shooting running for their seats.Levenson as u point out as her own challenger etc.Friedman was quoted she is not running again.It doesn.t matter.It appears that these three inc.Osgood.All this petty crap over a pic.Tell u one thing by all these postive comments concerning Nora Rupert.Nora they love u.Don.t change a thing.You really came out on top.Wish u well.Don.t know this woman.Never spoke with her but more importantly have watched many school bd.meetings and have been really impressed with Ruperts professionalism and her legitimate concerns with Super Runcie.Ps.when your done with the school bd.think county comm.Keep up the good work.Love the outfits u wear and always like the way u present yourself.No flies on Nora.Carry a fly swatter with these three (3)…( Osgood.Levenson( shocked at u your mother must be livid at u) and Friedman.How about a comment from one of these three amigos.Set the example , not be the example….Take the pic Nora no one shows up, so be it…
May 22nd, 2018 at 3:13 pm
Buddy, I always like your thoughts on this but in this case you are a little uninformed.
Nora has continually tried to unseat her fellow board members whenever possible to gain an upper hand on the board. She says nice to teachers then goes behind the scenes and says she has no desire to fulfil what she told them she would do. In no way is anyone without fault but when you continually look to back stab and manipulate those around you – some don’t want to work with you.
Rupert did campaign against Osgood there are pictures with her opponent at his fundraising events. She is working as we speak to unseat everyone running to gain a stranglehold on the board. This is why no one wants to be near her. Again, I think it’s petty but putting her the light of angels when she definitely is one of the first to try to throw dirt on a grave isnt a win either.
May 22nd, 2018 at 6:18 pm
Sun-Sentinel: Parkland area School Board member Abby Freedman won’t seek re-election
May 23rd, 2018 at 11:51 am
I’ve been a teacher for forty-six years and with the exception of Nora this board/supt. get worse every year!! Most of them need to go!
May 24th, 2018 at 2:07 am
“Rupert did campaign against Osgood there are pictures with her opponent at his fundraising events.”
First off, Osgood’s last opponent was a women, not a man so there would have been no “his” fundraiser nor pictures.
Secondly, you are delusional. Rupert had nothing to do with the candidate that ran against Osgood in the last election. Osgood uses that as an excuse for her own bad behavior. She has been mistreating and disrespecting Nora for years. Remember the post it notes? That was before her last election. What was her excuse then? She is a grown ass woman and this is how she behaves? Disgraceful.
Thirdly, you know what is motivating the people who are running for school board? It isn’t Nora. It is their dead children.
Something is very wrong with the way Osgood behaves not only towards Nora but towards others in KCW and in the district. I hope she gets is able to pull herself together. 275,000 children are counting on her to keep them safe. Mean Girl behavior and photo ops with Dwayne Wade won’t be enough to get it done.
May 24th, 2018 at 5:20 pm
Nora Rupert has always been the REAL DEAL!
She has always been an advocate for our students, our teachers, & our schools. We voters support Nora; she is not afraid to stand up for the rights of our kids. We are so fortunate to have Nora. Stay with us, Nora, & we voters will stay with you.
May 28th, 2018 at 1:57 pm
Then for the cherry on top etc.
Mrs.Rupert gets the letter from Congressman Hastings and C.C.Dale holeness basically stating to her backing off concerning Super Runcie for no apparent reason other than because Runcie is Black.
Yes.I mean do u really think the congressman or county comm. would give a rats ass if Runcie was say Asian or Caucasian etc.
Nr.Runcie your better than that.All less fails use the race card.Nora has every right to question or examine the Super.I mean voters endorsed over 800 mill.800 mill folks with absolutely nothing to show what he has done with the monies.
Then this “Promise” program that the shooter was involved with.Runcie claimed oh he never participated.Sorry, he was in the program.So Nora here has every right to voice her concerns.Mr.Runcie kid attending Harvard and u let orhers orchestrate this bs.that she is basically harassing u cause your Black.Come on..
May 31st, 2018 at 1:38 pm
Long time former BCSB employee here to tell you that Nora has integrity and is the only board member worth anything. The other ones are just jealous that Nora has figured out how to be a public servant with integrity and they haven’t. Anyone else remember how she led the charge to privatize school construction management? How is that working out? Is it possible that a financial institution is profiting on that bond money while it sits there unused? Maybe one of those bankers that Jen was so friendly with? Hmmm?
June 4th, 2018 at 11:46 am
Nora Rupert is the only voice of reason on this morally corrupt Board. Everyone get out there and vote to make sure she remains!