Update: Firings Planned At Sheriff’s Department
If history repeats itself, expect a bloodbath at the Broward Sheriff’s Office.
But Sheriff-Elect Scott Israel says there won’t be widespread firings.
“There will be no bloodbath,” Israel said. “I’m just beginning the process of building a team. There will be some people who will probably want to retire or resign. There will be some people who will be asked not to stay. But this will be a very, very small number. I want to interview everybody and make a decision. We are just starting.”
New sheriffs who won bitter campaigns have traditionally cleaned house, firing outspoken supporters of the previous sheriff.
Look here:
Sun-Sentinel – Tuesday, January 21, 1986
Author: Steven Girardi, Staff writer
A former Broward sheriff`s captain, fired when Sheriff Nick Navarro took office last January, filed suit on Monday to try to get his job back.
Gary Ewing charged Navarro with slander and violating his civil rights in a six-page suit filed in Broward Circuit Court. Ewing was among 30 officers fired after Navarro defeated the incumbent, George Brescher, in a bitter election.
Sun-Sentinel – Tuesday, January 5, 1993
Author: By LARRY KELLER, Staff Writer
Dozens of glum, teary-eyed Broward Sheriff’s Office employees turned in their equipment on Monday, casualties of mass firings by Sheriff-elect Ron Cochran , who takes office today.
Many of the estimated 80 who were fired, including top managers, rank-and- file deputies and personal secretaries, were close allies of outgoing Sheriff Nick Navarro. They vowed to file a class-action lawsuit alleging that Cochran fired them for political reasons.
And these previous nasty races look like love fests compared to the just-concluded election between Israel and loser Al Lamberti.
One ominous sign are the reports I received that Israel supporters intimidated and threatened deputies campaigning for Lamberti.
First on the chopping block: Higher ups.
“You would expect that Scott would want his own people close to him in command positions. You can’t blame him for that,” said one source who is in contact with Israel.
Also being considered for a shake up, I am told: Media Affairs and Community Affairs, two areas where staffers communicate the sheriff’s message to the public.
“He should have his own people speaking to the public,” the source said.
The public shouldn’t panic. Police services will continue.
Most BSO deputies and supervisors took no part in the campaign and had nothing to do with Lamberti, except cashing a check signed by him.
How deep will any cuts be? I don’t know, but it is rumored in police circles that Israel and his team of cops have a hit list of several dozen who will be fired almost immediately.
“Absolutely untrue,” Israel said. “There is no hit list and nothing like this has every been discussed.”
Israel said he will beginning discussions tonight on his transition and that may include initial deliberations on who will be retained.
Amid all this talk, let me caution Israel.
Remember Miriam Oliphant?
She replaced so many people when taking over as Supervisor of Elections that the next big election was a disaster. The result was that the last person fired was Oliphant…by the governor.
Israel shouldn’t repeat that mistake.
November 8th, 2012 at 3:13 pm
“Most BSO deputies and supervisors took no part in the campaign and had nothing to do with Lamberti, except cashing a check signed by him.”
This is not true, many of the above were coerced to take part in the campaign and support Lamberti. I believe that Sheriff Israel will do the right thing and spare from retribution those who made the choice under duress to support Al.
What happenend to the Cochran lawsuits? Little or nothing. Those that are not covered under a collective bargaining agreement can be fired at will unless under contract. I would imagine that BSO legal will have a lot of turn over as well as the other departments you mentioned.
What to keep an eye on is to see how many in higher ups not covered under the LEO Bill of Rights, get demoted so they will fall under the collective bargaining agreement. I believe this is illegal but it will be tried. Also, keep an eye on how many contracts with vendors, etc, Lamberti tries to tie Scott to in these last two months in office.
You will see, the interesting things to watch will be by Lamberti in his remaining days in office.
November 8th, 2012 at 4:12 pm
I hope he rolls the FAT ASS of Col. James Wimberly right of the steps right along with the WHORE Lt Col Kim Spadaro. Don’t forget Vrchotta. Let him see what it feels like. And lets not forget Lt Col Frye!!
November 8th, 2012 at 4:25 pm
Israel is going to demoralize the BSO. He and his friends have had a hit list simce 2008 and have made no bones about it. They will try and force people out so they can avoid defending firing them. This was not a good move for Broward County. This is going to be a blood bath no matter how Israel and his people try to spin it.
All the people surrounding Israel all have axes to grind with current employees. Everyone is going to try and get their revenge including Israel. Make no mistake about it, Israel is a hot head and has a huge ego that he will not be able to control. I feel bad that so many people have been lied too by Israel and his people over this whole election cycle.
November 8th, 2012 at 4:56 pm
Scott will be a professional and will bring great honor to BSO. I’m sure he will make the necessary changes he feels is right for the agency if in fact it’s justified.
November 8th, 2012 at 5:00 pm
Just taking that fucknut De Jesus Christ with them…
November 8th, 2012 at 5:02 pm
relax everybody. He can’t be the chief with no indians.
that said, he has to weed out the lamberti loyalists. the possibility of passive aggressive behavior by holdovers is a given, and he needs to trust his inner circle.
Surely there are other certified LEO that would want to work at BSO. Many of the road patrol people will stay on, esp. newer hirees. he needs to make sure ALL know or learn the rules of the road so innocent civilians stop being killed by speeding hotheads with no sirens on responding to petty traffic stops. That will also decrease lawsuits and settlements with families of deceased and wronged. As to the pill mill dismantling, it got to the point in other FL counties, and certainly PB and Broward, lamberti has to do something. so he didn’t take this up on his own. The pressure came from all sides, elected officials, cable news jokes, etc. as it hurt the tourism image of Greater Fort Lauderdale.
We may all be pleasantly surprised if Israel takes the high road. He probably wants this gig for more than one 4 year term (he should at least). He may be smart enough to realize revenue will be tight for the next 4 years so he may run an efficient operation. Hello – 911 countywide!! Certainly cutting out all the sweetheart, no bid deals of the last 6 years or so.
Just like the results of all of the other elections Tuesday, the VOTERS have spoken. Live with it. And may the bashing eventually stop once everyone has vented.
November 8th, 2012 at 5:14 pm
MEDIA NEEDS TO WATCH: Lamberti will be paying out millions of taxpayer money to his closest co-conspirators in the next few weeks as “severance packages” as they scurry out like rats. Yes….several unethical, incompetent, and untrustworthy people need to go. That is why Lamberti lost, because he didn’t do it.
This would be a disgrace if it happens.
November 8th, 2012 at 5:39 pm
Lamberti is out – good riddance!!! Broward County rightfully ejects a homophobic Navarro aide who planned anti-gay raids back in the Navarro days. He can go join Romney in the trash heap of history.
Israel has four years. After that, he will probably need to be thrown out too.
It’s tragic that Satz didn’t lose his job as well. Hopefully Buddy will keep us informed regarding Satz’s 2016 opponents as they appear. It would be the perfect position for Bob Norman – but unfortunately, Norman doesn’t have a law degree!
November 8th, 2012 at 6:21 pm
Israel is going to energize the BSO. He and his friends have had a hit list since 2008 of the co-conspirator criminals that Dirty Lamberti has surrounded himself with and have made no bones about it. The taxpayers deserve no less. They will force people out so they can avoid embarassing them. This was not a good move for Broward County. It was a GREAT move. This is not going to be a blood bath no matter how Dirty Lamberti and his people try to spin it.
Some of the people surrounding Israel all have been victimized by criminal current employees. Everyone is going to try and be vindicated including Israel. Make no mistake about it, Dirty Lamberti is a hot head and has a huge ego that he has not been able to control. I feel bad that so many people have been lied too and threatened by Dirty Lamberti and his co-conspirators over this whole election cycle.
Good Luck Sheriff Israel
November 8th, 2012 at 8:16 pm
Buddy I challenge you to obtain those “severance contracts” through FOI or from Sheriff Israel when he is sworn if, unless Lamberti has them shredded at his next Shred-a-Thon. You can see for yourself. They are so many lining up at the PSB that they have to make appointments with HR. I am there and I see it.
November 8th, 2012 at 8:18 pm
While you are at it, ask for the current “consultant” contracts of former high ranking Lamberti friends..Ed Werder, John Carroll, Ricky Frey. They all retired BUT ARE STILL GETTING PAID.
November 9th, 2012 at 1:56 am
See Karma in action on this one. Good luck, Scott.
November 9th, 2012 at 6:21 am
Sheriff Israel is a smart man and will rely on those he trusts the most in a lot of his decision making.
List? There is no “list”. Sheriff Israel will do what’s best for the citizens of Broward County and what’s best for the BSO. This is his time and I guarantee he won’t throw it into the crapper like Lamberti did.
Sheriff Israel has confidant’s from all walks of life and he is not too proud to ask them about issues he may not know everything about.
The changes you will see at the BSO will be the necessary changes, revenge will not enter into the equation. If it appears that someone loses their job because of “revenge”, I assure you, that would not be the case; they will have lost their job because they themselves brought on the loss.
Four years goes by very quickly, and Sheriff Israel will have to hit the ground with his feet already moving, but I think the voters made an excellent choice with their educated choice of Scott Israel for Sheriff of Broward County … it’s just too bad we had to endure four years of Lamberti before we smartened up!
Godspeed Sheriff Israel
November 9th, 2012 at 7:49 am
Deputies, Sergeants and lieutenants are covered by collective bargaining and cannot be fired without just cause.
The same holds true for hundreds of civilians and firefighters.
So Israel cannot terminate their employment without a whole lot of legal battles.
Captains, Commanders, Majors, Colonels, and directors are all on contracts.
They can only be terminated according to their contract (which expires when Lamberti leaves office). Those people good and not so good have knew the deal when they signed on for the position.
As Chief Vrchota said, you work for a political organization, when you get political and your guy loses… What do you expect.
I still think Israel will not be a good sheriff I don’t trust anyone who will lie and do anything to win an election. He won so we will have to deal with 4 years of him.
Hopefully he is horrible and it will force the county commission to change the charter and have an appointed Sheriff.
November 9th, 2012 at 9:23 am
“Hopefully he is horrible and it will force the county commission to change the charter and have an appointed Sheriff.”
not easy to do but even if we could the 9 on the dais are not always the best the county has to offer – just 9 that can work the political machine and get elected.
the next round of bcc elections in 2014 (including term limited gunzburger and jacobs) and 2016 will be interesting as the redistricting will figure in along with the demographics of broward county voters
November 9th, 2012 at 10:27 am
The anger from the Pro-Israel crowd is scary! Yes, expect a blood-bath. It looks like the new BSO will be made up of thugs seeking revenge for anyone inside or out of the BSO that supported Lamberti. Let’s us remember the Broward Sheriff’s Office job is to protect the people and business’ of Broward County.
The talk I’m hearing reminds me of the Baltic wars between Serbs and Croatians and Bosnians-a bloody genocide. Stop the hate.
November 9th, 2012 at 8:21 pm
“Hopefully he is horrible and it will force the county commission to change the charter and have an appointed Sheriff.”
Nobody can be worse than Lamberti. They should have done it already.
November 10th, 2012 at 3:30 am
I don’t think Scott Israel’s quest to become Sheriff of Broward County was to get some kind of revenge on Lamberti, or anyone else. You know he’s too smart for that. He’s been given a chance to do something big and there’ll be no time for pettiness. I believe he will rise to the occasion. We all know what lousy leadership looks like after all these years with Lamberti. To excel, you just have reverse it. In difficult times, Scott simply has to think about what Al would do, then do the opposite. So there’s your roadmap, and best of luck to you, Sheriff Israel.
November 11th, 2012 at 11:23 pm
Israel has never run an oraganiztiaon 1/10 the size as BSO. The biggest losers in this election cycle are the residents and businesses of Broward. This guy getting elected shows why the Sheriff’s race needs to be non-partisan. If you look at their resumes, it is a shame that Israel beat Lamberti in this race. I am ashamed to be a Broward D!
November 12th, 2012 at 9:08 am
The argument about Scott not running a an organization as big as BSO is such crap.
Firstly, for the most part with the exception of th Gov himself or a CEO of a large corporation what LEO could have run an large organization with a budget that size, prior to being elected?
Name one Sheriff who ran a similar an organization the size of BSO with that big a budget as it stands today? No one.
Lamberti until the time he was appointed by Crist? No at best he ran a District. Because BSO is larger today due to the consolidation under Jenne, Jenne himself and his predesessors couldnt claim they ran something this big.
Get a new argument.
November 12th, 2012 at 9:24 am
@Deserves better
Israel has never run an oraganiztiaon 1/10 the size as BSO.
Until Lamberti became Chief, he was in charge of Deerfield Beach (about 100 employees).
November 13th, 2012 at 9:06 am
and obama had never run a state government, let alone the whole country.
somehow he managed, and got another term from voters to boot, for better or worse.
voters elected scott israel.
get over it, or move out of broward.
November 14th, 2012 at 9:52 pm
Is it true Sheriff Israel is replacing Fire Chief and Executive Director Chief Neal de Jesus with Margate Fire Chief Tony Stravino?
Take about missing up a fire department this would be the person.