Atty General Won’t Decide When Mayor Can Resign





Florida Attorney General’s office has passed the buck.

The Attorney General will not issue a “formal opinion” on whether Coconut Creek Mayor Lisa Aronson can delay her resignation.  Assistant Attorney General Lagran Saunders suggested Aronson ask the Florida Division of Elections for help.

The background on Aronson’s request can be seen in the link here.

For the latest update, here is Aronson’s  letter to me:



Per your request, please see the attached response from the Attorney General’s office to Ms. Terrill Pyburn, Coconut Creek City Attorney. Although the Attorney General’s office has rendered opinions on the Resign-to-Run law throughout the years, the letter states that the issue “is one that may not be addressed by this office in a formal opinion at this time.”

I was referred to the Florida Division to Elections to consider and comment upon my question. I will be contacting the Florida Division of Elections as a candidate to request an Opinion regarding postponement of the effective date of my resignation as the City of Coconut Creek’s Mayor and Commissioner under the resign-to run-law due to postponement of the election date for the Broward County Commission District #2 Seat.

Due to the unique situation surrounding the County Commission District 2 election being postponed, I would like to give the residents of Coconut Creek full representation on the City Commission until January 9, 2015 which is a date before the proposed general election date of January 13, 2015. In accordance with the City’s Charter, a successor for the Coconut Creek City Commission, District E seat will be determined by election on March 10, 2015.

Lisa Kohner Aronson

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Lisa Kohner Aronson, Democrat, for Broward County Commissioner, Dist. 2.



Attorney General’s Office letter (click to enlarge):

Aronson letter





12 Responses to “Atty General Won’t Decide When Mayor Can Resign”

  1. count l f chodkiewicz chudzikiewicz says:

    Mayor aronsen should be ashamed of herself
    Greed by developers lobbyists n lawyers is depressing but common, hopefully public officials are above such petty greed as this mayor

  2. Chaz Stevens, Genius says:

    How about Lisa spends her time taking down leftover campaign signs?

    Like the one’s in Deerfield … hell, if she’s hard up for cash, I’ll give her $20 to do the job.

  3. How much says:

    How much money are the taxpayers of coconut Creek paying for this quixotic quest?

  4. Ghost of McLovin says:

    She should honor her written request to resign effective November 17. She’ll be elected to the D2 seat, she shouldn’t be campaigning while working anyhow. She’ll have two months to campaign, etc.

  5. Oscar says:

    Need any more proof that the current attorney general is a useless puff of vapid air….

  6. Floridian says:

    What a pathetic group of comments — further proof that for some people complaining is an end in itself.

    Lisa Aronson is not doing anything illegal in asking for an opinion, and it’s certainly not her fault that the election was moved back.

    I would guess that any poll of her current constituents would indicate that the overwhelming majority would like her to serve in office until the District 2 election, whenever it takes place.

  7. Real Deal says:

    @4 We’re still part of the United States, right? Just checking.

  8. Alice McGill says:

    This is a fine state of affairs. Hope the twin mayors of Dania Beach don’t get any ideas about Walter remaining as mayor beyond the November 4 election. The city charter directs that the candidate with the most votes in that election becomes the new mayor. Walter’s wife, Lisa, helped to write the charter. Both have some unusual interpretations of facts. I can see a spin happening and Walter refusing to move down the dais to a seat as a commissioner. Stranger things have happened in Dania Beach.

  9. who has final say! says:

    Are rules and state statutes meant to be broken?

    Well there is always Gary Holland Esq. in Tally to opine on her power “grab back”.
    Is she trying to rack up time for the state pension for electeds?

    Here is his email –

  10. Creekgirl says:

    ” I would like to give the residents of Coconut Creek full representation on the City Commission until January 9, 2015 which is a date before the proposed general election date of January 13, 2015.” . . . Mayor Lisa Aronson


    No one has miss this fact: if the Broward County D2 Democratic primary election had taken place in August, her commission seat would have still sat empty on Nov. 17th until the municipal election in March 2015 regardless of the outcome of the County Commission race. The residents of District E in Coconut Creek does have one person to blame for not being represented on the city’s Dais until March 2015: Commissioner Lisa Aronson

    What is up with signing a private e-mail response to Buddy with a campaign phone number, campaign e-mail address, campaign website, and paid campaign ad disclaimer? Does Buddy live in District 2 or is Comm. Aronson taking advantage of this Blog’s website popularity for free political advertisement? Will this article by Buddy appear on her campaign treasurer’s report as an in-kind donation? We shall see.

  11. just sayin' says:

    What is it with our state attorney general? Bondi wont do anything about same sex marriage. She won’t do anything about this election. She doesn’t seem to be doing her job. Why should we be paying her at all? Vote her OUT.

  12. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    Mayor Aronson got herself an attorney(Nick Steffens). She is in a pickle. She should have stated I will resign after the District 2 election. According to the charter she has to be out. Will sjhe prevail. well, thats why she hired the lawyer. W/ the ‘Grand Wizard” petioning the State supreme Ct. Try March(2015). Will see. No wonder she got the att. Bogen will be next, if he doesn’t hang himself first. Dec. 4 is out…