Jeb Bush Snubs Chip LaMarca; Endorses Hasner
There is but one demigod among Florida Republicans and he has spoken!
Jeb Bush– the last governor that all Florida Republicans looked up to — has endorsed former state Rep. Adam Hasner for Congress.
Take that Broward County Commissioner Chip LaMarca.
LaMarca is “considering” the race for the same District 22 Northeast Broward-Palm Beach County seat.
I would reconsider
I suppose that LaMarca will quickly point out that Hasner’s wife, campaign consultant Jillian Hasner, worked on Bush’s campaign for governor plus worked in his administration. She also worked on President George W. Bush’s two campaigns. She made nearly $1 million on Meg Whitman’s failed Republican campaign for California governor.
Still, this is a very big endorsement Hasner could get.
Here is the news release:
Jeb Bush Endorses Adam Hasner
Boca Raton, FL – U.S. House candidate Adam Hasner today announced that he has received the endorsement of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
In announcing his endorsement, Jeb Bush said the following: “I am proud to endorse my friend Adam Hasner for the U.S. House of Representatives in District 22. Adam has a passion for reform and for common-sense conservative solutions, and he will take that passion to a Washington that is certainly in need of both.
“The challenges America faces grow each and every day, and we need representatives that share Adam’s commitment to principle, his dedication to government accountability and his proven record in working for his community.
“Adam served Palm Beach and Broward counties with distinction in the state legislature, and I know he will continue to do so in the U.S. House.” Adam Hasner said, “I am deeply honored by the support and endorsement of my friend Governor Jeb Bush. He stands as one of the greatest governors of our time for good reason: his passion for education, his commitment to reform, and his record of fostering economic growth is second to none. It was an honor to work with him when I represented Palm Beach and Broward counties in the Florida Legislature and I am proud to have Jeb on my side in the race ahead.”
February 16th, 2012 at 9:52 am
Because Chip should serve at least one full term before running for anything else. It is acceptable to run for other office but you have to serve at least one term in the one you are in otherwise people see you as a user. Jeb is helping Chip. Not hurting him.
February 16th, 2012 at 9:54 am
I consider that a compliment for Commissioner LaMarca. He’ll get more votes because of it!
February 16th, 2012 at 11:51 am
chip has a secret endorsement in his back pocket that he will use to beat the carpetbagger Hasner. He has the endorsement of Barbara Sharief. How about them apples?
February 16th, 2012 at 1:01 pm
So Jebbe Bush endorsed Hasner-who cares. Chip Lamarca remember “that was then ,this is now(incidently your Italian pazion(my mother) thinks it was inappropriate to bring your up bringing up at the Comm.meeting last month(you brought it up). Oh yeah came home that nite and to no avail that was then ,this is now(and that I have a chip on my shoulder chip get it(tell that to your other kids that used to hide under the bed-except for sucker boy here). If I told you about my up bringing you’d all send me checks for a grand. In other words family-overrated. Run Chip run. And tell that pig allen West-its on. Run, run, to Alaska. Mr.West. Stay away from some of your Republican friends Chip-your worst enemy…..
February 16th, 2012 at 3:06 pm
LaMarca and Jacobs are not serious candidates. Their both incompetent local boobs. Lois Frankel has real governing experience on local and state level. Even Adam is a better choice than the twerp and the bubblehead
February 16th, 2012 at 3:43 pm
lets see-5/4 vote to approve decimating Chippy’s district. who was the 5th vote? Sharief. Priceless.
February 16th, 2012 at 10:59 pm
Frankel has governing experience? Please. She was a highly ineffective house member and a disaster as mayor. A grand jury report called WPB a pay-to-play city on her watch. Jacobs has never been painted with that brush of ethics scandal. Can’t say the same for washed-up Frankel.
February 17th, 2012 at 7:21 am
How can someone who isn’t officially in the race yet be “snubbed”? What a ridiculous headline.
February 17th, 2012 at 10:16 am
Kristin Jacobs is a local joke. Her E-bikes and save the ocean shtick will not win votes in a congressional race. Lois will wipe the ocean floor with her. Stacy Ritter or Lois Wesxler are better options than Jacobs or Chip.
February 17th, 2012 at 10:56 am
The only reason Kristin hasn’t been painted with scandal is that she is a leak to the press. She does have some big baggage and has some explaining to do. Lois won’t be shy about making it public.
February 17th, 2012 at 7:10 pm
I strongly disagree w/ some of you in regards to comm.Jacobs, again she is no sloach. More importantly her constituents like her(the key to any election victory). As far as Comm.Wexler lets just say ‘we” have big plans for her.