August, 2009 Category

Aug 01 2009

Judge Carlos A. Rodriguez Writes About His Life & The Upcoming Campaign

Filed under: General News



Buddy, Thank you for the accurate report you posted.

But, as Al Schreiber used to tell me when I worked for him as a Chief Assistant, the most important thing about any publicity, good or bad, is to have your name spelled correctly. Rodriguez is spelled with a “g not a “q.

(Buddy: Sorry for the typo. It’s been corrected.)

I don’t disagree that much has been made of the Hispanic name of judicial candidates who lost in the last election. I look at it as a challenge to educate the voters to the fact that I am not a “hack. Some people may think that because your name is “Carlos you are automatically labeled a “hack or maybe a “carpetbagger from out of county. Meet me or appear in any capacity in my courtroom, 5750, and I will show you that is not the case. Read the rest of this entry »