Tamarac Leader Opposes Sunrise Dump


Tamarac doesn’t like what it smells coming from Sunrise.

“It’s a terrible thing that happening there, says Commissioner Diane Glasser about the proposed garbage transfer station.

diane glasser

Diane Glasser

She says the transfer station “It’s another name for a dump, she quips. would envelop her city with the smell of garbage.

“Whenever you have garbage, you have smell, Glasser says. 

Glasser predicts her city commission will vote to formally oppose the station, which would be directly across Commercial Boulevard from Tamarac.

“It would be along Commercial Boulevard.  That’s the entrance to our city from the Sawgrass Expressway.  Of course, we are against it, Glasser says.

Tamarac shouldn’t expect a favorable reception from Sunrise. Sunrise has a history of ignoring its neighbors. 

Sunrise brushed aside complaints about the towering Tao project next to the Sawgrass Mills shopping center from Plantation and allowed it to be built.

All Sunrise got for its arrogance is a 26-story, empty monstrosity — the Tao project went broke.

Glasser does have more clout than the average commissioner. 

Broward’s Democratic state committeewoman, she is a power in the local and state party organization.  If she wanted to, she could openly oppose the re-election of Sunrise commissioners and work to dry up their campaign financing.

Meanwhile, word is that Mayor Roger Wishner is helping in the re-election campaign of Commissioner Larry Sofield.

Wishner is a former waste executive who was accused at the last commission meeting of promoting the garbage dump project for his friends in the industry.   I wonder if that means Sofield is supporting the dump?

Again, I ask:  What benefit do Sunrise residents get from the construction of a garbage transfer station in their city? 

20 Responses to “Tamarac Leader Opposes Sunrise Dump”

  1. Garbage says:

    Roger Wishner is behind all this garbage. Don Rosen couldn’t get a job if his life depended on it unless he was a commissioner.

  2. Chaz Stevens says:

    @Garbage says:
    Rosen couldn’t get a job if his life depended on it unless he was a commissioner.

    I disagree. If they ever remake Goonies, he’d be a shoe in for a stunt double.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Reading the articles and blog comments regarding the waste transfer station, one doesn’t know whether to get upset or depressed.

    Sunrise, aside from its historical controversial City Hall politics, was once recently an actual city on the rise.

    Housing one of the largest and most visited shopping malls in the country, the Sawgrasss Mills Mall actually outpaced Walt Disney for the most visited tourists in the state of Florida last year.

    Another factoid: When it comes to Class A office space, everyone initially thinks of Brickell Avenue, Doral, Cypress Creek, Las Olas or Boca Raton for corporate digs; but do you know who has the largest office park in South Florida? The City of Sunrise with its gem: The Sawgrass Office Park.

    Finally, the Bank Atlantic Center is one of the premiere state of the art “Event Arena’s” in the country, housing an NHL professional hockey franchise. Concerts that appeal to everyone’s taste, along with a 4th of July celebration are the best that South Florida has to offer, bar none.

    How many other cities in the United States, let alone the state of Florida can boast of this infrastructural resume? Not many.

    With all of these staples and anchors in place, where is the creativity and vision of the Sunrise City Commission to take Sunrise to the next level?

    Is a waste transfer station all they can muster? Is that as visionary and creative as they can be?

    How about a manufacturing district, a garment district, and a financial district?

    How about a technology incubator similar to the Silicon Valley in Northern California?

    How about trying to get the Final Four NCAA College Basketball Tournament to come to town? Where else should the Championship Weekend for March Madness be played during the Spring time, other than in Sunny Sunrise, FL?

    And yes, how about a museum to educate our children, that would rival any museum in New York or Chicago. Something that Florida definitely needs, but doesn’t have. Why not be visionary to have Sunrise be home to this museum?

    How about setting up the West Broward Convention Center or the Everglades Convention Center within the Mall or the Bank Atlantic Center that would draw high level conventions all year round, in the same way the Broward Convention Center and the Miami Convention Center do? People from the West Coast of the state would certainly prefer to not have to drive the extra half an hour East to the ocean for those other convention centers, especially if one of the largest water parks in the world were able to be built and cater to the families shopping at the Sawgrass Mall, right here in Sunrise.

    These are all programs that need government support, which would create jobs, infuse billions of dollars into the local area and stimulate the economy on a recurring basis.

    Moreover, these are all programs that would allow the City Commission to work together in and for a common cause vs. always jockeying for the perverbial 3 to 2 power struggle.

    Sunrise should no longer be satisfied just housing Fortune 100 Technology companies in the Sawgrass Office Park. They should provide government support and assist the entrepreneurs of the world in creating the next I-Phone, Blacberry, or cutting edge technology by allowing the largest technology incubator on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States to be based right here in Sunrise.

    The Commission, primarily due to Alu, have shown empathy and concern to the less fortunate and many charitable organizations. The Commission as a whole should be lauded in that respect.

    However, it seems that the only thing the Sunrise Commission is capable of analyzing, discussing and arguing about are programs that involve the topics of sanitation and commercial real estate development projects.

    And even those ideas aren’t creative, nor original. Even those issues have to be brought to them by lobbyists and special interest groups to get their “elaborate” minds going.

  4. No Class Glasser says:

    Diane Glasser is an evil twisted racist who is finished in Broward.

  5. alert says:

    isnt it great that the above person is afraid to come out in the open,typical Sunrise Commission you bring up a concern about an issue and they have to take venoumous personal pot shots with no bases.it sort of remainds me of all the no bid hiring Sunrise did with the city manger,police chief,and city attorney

  6. It's About Revenue says:

    You ask what it is all about? Revenue is the answer. Sunrise stands to make lots of money in garbage fees just for allowing it to be in their city. Many do not like the idea of having this facility in Sunrise and that’s understandable. But if you want to know the benefit of it, just ask. They know. It’s revenue.

    FROM BUDDY: The proposal on file with the city says nothing about revenue. It is just the standard request for development.
    None of the debate at the city commission has mentioned any revenue from this proposal.

    Is it legal to change the development code, which this would require, in return for revenue? It doesn’t sound kosher to me to be able to buy changes in he code.

  7. Line your Pockets while you can! says:

    1:22 — You have NO idea what you are talking about. The only revenue is going to campaigns and the pockets of the owners of the property. There NO contract with the city and their cant be one due to prior obligations. So, before spouting off about the benefits to the city, learn the facts.

  8. OPG says:

    OPG is the future — not green jobs, or tech jobs, or NCAA sporting events, or mom-and-pop restaurants. Other Peoples Garbage — is BIG money for landowners. And, if you get enough parcels together, then the money gets really really good.

  9. alert says:

    and the smell gets real real bad.your property is devalued because nobody wants to purchase it,for you people in the immediate area be prepared to recieve flyers on your door from realtors wanting to purchase your house for pennies on the dollar

  10. OPG says:

    Alert: That is good for the economy tho. It creates real estate sales and work for realtors. See, garbage is GOOD for the City.

  11. alert says:

    no your property valve goes in the toilet,your right there is a lot of garbage in the city right nuw anyhow and they are worthless vote no for garbage

  12. intheknow says:

    Look I have no dog in this fight but it would had jobs to Sunrise, it will reduce the commercial garbage rates which will help create more jobs. It won’t smell because its concealed building and building is empty at end of day. It will help meet the 2010 state statue that all cities need to recycle 30% of all garbage. It will reduce waste going to resource revovery board which is the biggets scam in broward!!! The city will get a host fee and if the city was smart they would talk the garbage contract from all service and handle the waste mgt themselves!!

  13. Puppet Master says:

    Oh, where is the proclaimed puppet master marty rubenstein? What is he to think of this dilemma? His commissioners in Sunrise upsetting his commissioners in Tamarac. Where will you land on this one Marty? How will you tell them to vote? We see you are silent on this controversy, at least in the public.

  14. NOTintheknow says:

    In the Know: you must have inside information. Which Commissioner are you? Or, which one of the owner reps are you. Because everything published says it will NOT affect garbage rates. So, must be a bigger scheme here to dump Republic, the ILA and divert the contract to the Feeley.

    Also, how do you know it wont smell, since that is not published anywhere either — which Commissioner are you? Or which owner rep are you?

    So, if you are in the know, then explain the basis for your opinions. Right now, as Buddy has said, this is just a simple land use issue where the owners want to put a dump station in there. And, there would be NO financial trappings delivered to the City.

    Now, if you are just speculating, then say so. Dont state it as fact when it aint.

  15. intheknow says:

    Not a Rep or a Commissioner…Just stating pure transfer station information in general. It makes sense though why pay the county to make money off your waste when you can make the money for you city!!!

    Did you know that the county makes more than 50 million a year of the grid at the waste to energy plant?

  16. alert says:

    ok then why the big secret,why did Rosen try to bring this up when it was not on the aganda.if this is the case why try to bring it up the 11th hour?????.one of my neighbord hsd 200 cats in is house even thoigh it was a closed in house my neighbor still had the smell.
    lets try not to reinvent the wheel garbage is garbage Buddy is on the money oops or do I mean other people

  17. NOTintheknow says:

    6:05:You are astonishingly off-base and without any knowledge of the issue. Buddy has said and every article or pst written has made it clear: THIS IS NOT FOR SUNRISE GARBAGE. The landowner is running a private enterprise that he is bringing in garbage from other towns. Understand the issue before you start spouting off.

    You clearly know nothing of the ILA or how it works and what the benefits are.

    Showing how off base you are you then mix issues and bring up the waste burning energy plant and seemto suggest that would be a good idea for sunrise. Are you thinking this is going to be an energy plant burning garbage? Is that your suggestion now — that the owner should convert thse property in sunrise from a place to dump garbage from other cities to a plant burning garbage? Are you out of mind?

  18. intheknow says:

    Actually I know more about waste then you could imagine. Secondly, if they bring waste in from other city’s sunrise will get a host fee and the generator of waste will get a fee from transfer station.

    I bring up the waste to energy plants and resource recovery board cause they are both scams. RRB chairmans contract extension was done by a city official in creek where he is a lobbyist…think im lieing check the records. I know the benefits to ILA but dont want to make to much out of it because I don’t have enough time or space to write about it.

    Who gets the revenues in new ILA not the city generating garbage like they do now..one hint BROWARD COUNTY…
    Lets be frank they the ila wants to lock city’s in to 10 deal and pay them 225,000 sign up bonus. I say you take the waste to new transfer facility the city will get more back in year then they offer over 10 years!

  19. intheknow says:

    Sorry I missed you comment on making the site a burn plant never said that and won’t work without massive amounts of capital. What thye should do is truck it upstate or out of state at cheaper cost and better enviroment locally.

    Also lets be honest the only reason why the rate is decreasing is becuase the bonds are paid and the lower rate will kill the fran fees to county and city’s!!! How do they fix that so revenue isnt lost. They take away the fee that was paid to citys for waste stream and keep it themselves!!

  20. yeah garbage! says:

    I just moved here and live less than a mile from the proposed transfer station. I love the idea. The smells you get are really intersting, plus it creates jobs and garbage and recycling have to be sorted. Thats what a transfer station does…The people who says this is a “dump” are just the usual overreacting propaganda mongerers who like to stir the pot. Get a life.