Sheriff Lamberti Gets Another Big Endorsement



Sheriff Al Lamberti got the endorsement of a union representing 3,500 police officers – Fraternal Order of Police, Broward County District 5.

Does that mean all the cops like him?  No.

Does that mean the union leadership likes him? Yes. Or at least they know where their bread is buttered.  Or should I say, our bread? After all, any union deal that Lamberti cuts comes from taxpayers’ pockets.

What does it mean to voters?  I believe the endorsement adds to the momentum Lamberti campaign has been building. It is designed to create the image that Lamberti is unbeatable because he is liked and has a great deal of support.

Of course, what Lamberti’s news release ignores is that the FOP membership doesn’t include many deputies who work for him.  Some other cities are included in the FOP.

Here is the news release:

For Immediate Release May 30th, 2012

Broward County, Fla. – Sheriff Lamberti received a key endorsement from the Fraternal Order of Police, District 5 which encompasses all of Broward County for his re-election as Sheriff in November. The Fraternal Order of Police, District 5 represents over 3,500 Law Enforcement Officers across Broward County.

The Fraternal Order of Police promotes and fosters the impartial enforcement of law and order to improve the individual proficiency of the members in the performance of their duties, to encourage social, charitable, educational activities among all law enforcement officers and increase the efficiency of the police profession and firmly establish the confidence of the public in the service that is dedicated to the protection of life and property.

Ralph Dean Sr., FOP District 5 Director expressed that, “Al’s commitment to public service and special attention to the area of public safety has earned this endorsement. His thirty four year law enforcement career and past leadership as the President of Fraternal Order of Police Broward Sheriff’s Lodge 32, shows his dedication to public safety and the deputies that work for him.”

Sheriff Lamberti has also received the Endorsements from:

  •   Fraternal Order of Police, Broward Sheriff’s Lodge 32
  •   Greater Ft. Lauderdale Board of Realtors
  •   International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 769
  •   Latino Officers Association
  •   Broward 10-13 Club
  •   The Hispanic VoteKeep Al Lamberti Our Sheriff


15 Responses to “Sheriff Lamberti Gets Another Big Endorsement”

  1. Watching the race says:

    This is a bit misleading. The union that represents law enforcement officers at the Broward Sheriffs Office is the Broward PBA. The FOP does not represent any bargaining unit at the BSO. The FOP is the representative for fort lauderdale, plantation, coral springs and some members of sunrise police departments.

    The true fact is no bargaining unit at BSO has endorsed Lamberti (yet) that is the Federation of Public Employees (jail deputies and civilians), IAFF (fire fighters and paramedics) or the PBA (LE deputies, sergeants and lieutenants).

    So this is not a “Big Endorsement” the fact is no employee group has endorsed Lamberti as of yet.

  2. FOP Who Cares says:

    FOP endorsement is nothing. If he doesn’t get the current PBA endorsement that will say volumes as to who this guy really is. FOP 32 is washed up in a little store front with a six pack in a mini fridge.

  3. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    I’ll tell you one thing there would be no endorsement from the unions(police) if City Comm(Ft.Lau).Bruce Roberts where to run for Sheriff.I know he’s not interested. What a rac e that would be. Main objective is to get rid of Lamberti(I know nice try). County Comm.Sue Gunzburger stay on Lamberti w/ him renting out the Stockade(go get him-you are right Sue where is the county’ cut???). Mayor Rodstrom she is right put the squeeze on him(he’s got it($$) all day long. Besides his deputies (the ones I talk to can’t stand you Al). And as far as your health ins. you conviently leave out you don’t pay a dime when everyone else (deputies) pay though-but thats ok? Oh I know Sherif your bags(Not for nothing Bruce Roberts raised over 70grand in just one little neck of the woods.) Just imagine if he ran County wide Al-you certainly would be packing….

  4. Taxpayer says:

    Hey Buddy,

    Why don’t you investigate all the Lamberti abuse of public funds for his personal campaigning? Everything assoctaied with his campaign is funded by the taxpayers of Broward County. Thsi violates the state ethics and election laws. You write about this guy like he is something special all the time. The bottome line is Lamberti can have all the tv time, fake endorsements and money, but behind the scenes they are not voting for him…

  5. John Henry says:

    Rule of thumb:

    Vote exact opposite of whomever the FOP, PBA, or any police/Fire related clubs endorses.

  6. jailhouse-juggernaut says:

    It’s nice to see Louie ‘N Need and Scott “I” Isreal have stopped by:

    Louie & Scott, I appreciate you stopping by and commenting on the blogs. It’s nice to see you are at least an active spectator in your own election.

  7. Citizen says:

    John Henry nailed it! I agree and will vote accordingly.

  8. Lamberti is garbage says:

    This is nothing but more Scumberti BS. Buddy should be smarter than this.

  9. Lamberti is garbage says:

    This endorsement is about as big as Cavallo’s mole.

  10. SoFla Distortion says:

    Name the Politician who has overseen more scandals in his department than any other elected official in the State of Florida?

  11. Hmm... says:

    Mr Walsh, I always like your post and enjoy reading them they are out spoken and direct. I am wondering which one of the other two candidates can you really see running the county ? Unfortunately, they too have some very interesting baggage and some pretty far out reputations. So who do you feel is the lesser evil ?

  12. Lamberti Lies says:

    Lamberti in his own press release gets caught lying. he says in his own press release that the FOP endorsement is for all of Broward County and trying to make more of it than it is as usual. Mr. I am not political. The endorsement is for less than 50 people in the county. I guess his lies and cover ups are why the Rothstein scam is still plaguing his administration and people dont get fired and he has not yet been indicted. LAMBERTI IS A LIAR AND ABUSES HIS EMPLOYEES WITH INTIMIDATION AND ABUSES THE USE OF TAXPAYER MONEY WITH RECKLESS DISREGARD FOR ANYONE.

  13. Not Lamberti says:

    I am supporting Lou Granteed for Sheriff and feel he will be an excellent Sheriff. You can talk to people around the county and Lamberti is not well liked and has become intolerable. The other person in the race is terrible and not even close to being qualified. Nothing personal, just facts when you compare.

  14. Bob Adams says:

    Hey, SoFla Distortion…
    I can name someone – Ken Jenne!

  15. City activist Robert Walsh says:

    To HMMM- I tried to get Comm.Bruce Roberts interested but he likes being on the dais(respect earned). That would defintely be a good race. roberts vs. lamberti-please-Roberts would win hands down. As far as anyone else, your guess is as good as mine. The majority of the Depuites hate al Lamberti. With him demanding they wear long sleeve shirits to hide their tattos is just bizarre(like its the Waldorf). he constantly give s them all a hard time. We get lawsuit after lawsuit w/ Lamberti at the reighn. Who will pay we will. Sherif lamberti is probably a swell guy, just not the right fit. Besides the County Comm. would rather see him go a s well-trust me. To much hoopla w/ the gal pals on Tv to the dogs having there own show,where’s the money you are bringing in Al? And where’s Rothstein’ dufflebag-you know w/ all the loot. Come on wheeler fess up…