Loser! Broward Demo Boss Cynthia Busch’s Failed Campaign







Acting Broward Democratic Chair Cynthia Busch lost her campaign to be a delegate at the party’s national convention earlier this month.

Busch may still end up at the convention because of her role as the temporary leader of Florida’s biggest Democratic organization.  But her defeat in a tiny delegate race indicates a lack of political skills, some party insiders say.

Even before losing her race, Busch’s campaign was controversial. That’s because she ran as a Bernie Sanders delegate while Broward Democrats overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton in the primary.

Maybe it was fitting then that Busch was beaten by activist Hillary Keyes in Congressional District 22.

Picking Sanders.  Then losing an election for delegate.

A lack of political skills? You can answer that one.

What does Busch’s stumble mean for future party prospects?

I’ll answer that one: Probably nothing.

The D’s real Get-Out-The-Vote operation will be managed by Hillary Clinton operatives…and not Busch.


The Winners


Hillary Clinton Delegates by Congressional District:



CD 20

MALE Jack Brown Percy Johnson Ronald Thurston
FEMALE Montjoy “Joy” Cornish- Brown Diane Glasser Christine Jones
CD 21
MALE Keith Martin Michael Moskowitz Jack Shifrel
FEMALE Grace Carrington Terrie Rizzo
CD 22
MALE William “Mike” Coleman Kenneth “Ken” Evans
FEMALE Joanne Goodwin Bongsoon Zubay
CD 23
MALE Frank Ortis Henry Rose
FEMALE Diana Pittarelli Stephanie Grutman Zauder


Bernie Sanders delegates by Congressional District:


CD 20

FEMALE Crystal Roberts
CD 21
MALE Rick Neuhoff
FEMALE Diana Hatsis
CD 22
MALE Mitchell Stollberg
FEMALE Hillary Keyes
CD 23
MALE John Archer
FEMALE Jamie Friend



CD 20


Crystal Roberts

CD 21


Rick Neuhoff


Diana Hatsis

CD 22


Mitchell Stollberg


Hillary Keyes

CD 23


John Archer


Jamie Friend


Ceasar’s Good Month



Mitch Ceasar, who Busch is filling in for while he campaigns for Broward Clerk of the Courts, had a very good April.

On a temporary leave from his longtime chairmanship of the Broward Democrats, Ceasar continued to lead in fund raising last month — $16,829.

Ceasar now has raised $191,813, compared to Democratic opponent Elizabeth McHugh’s $75,500, roughly half being her own money.

Other Democrats in the race have far less. Brenda Forman, current Clerk Howard Forman’s wife, raised $31,425. Shandrell Latrice Roscoe has $3,360.

There is no Republican candidate.

Ceasar also was applauded by the South Florida Gay News last month for his work for the LGBT community. And he was named to the Broward Senior Hall of Fame.

It is not so much his age– Ceasar is 62 — which put his name on the plaque in Broward Government Center. His 62 years contain more than 40 years of involvement in Broward’s government, social services and politics.

His longevity is highlighted in the most engaging local flyer I have seen this election cycle. It is below. Click on it to enlarge it for a greater impact.

The piece was designed by Ceasar and his consultant Dan Lewis.





Scan 1

30 Responses to “Loser! Broward Demo Boss Cynthia Busch’s Failed Campaign”

  1. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    As someone happy to kvetch about Mr Lewis it is only fair to say the piece is excellent political literture in good taste. Mr Ceaser got his money’s worth.

    On the other hand Cynthnia’s political skills are obviously worthless.

  2. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    A vast majority of the 550,000 registered Democrats in Broward County are incredibly so pleased to know that Cynthia Busch LOST her campaign to be a Bernie Sanders’ delegate this summer in Philadelphia. Record number of 911 calls was made the day the final votes were tabulated; due to the very loud and noisy celebration parties running into the early morning hours. When the Acting Chair of the County Busch loses so badly, it clearly shows the distrust and animosity shown by so many honest and dedicated Broward Democrats has towards Busch. I pray to Jesus that this important vote against Busch will be a clear sign to her that her potential and future plans to run as the Chair of the Broward County will evaporate in thin air!
    Michael Howson: ‘Cynthia Busch Fired Me Because I Am Black and Gay’
    Submitted by Nancy Smith on August 27, 2015 – 3:23pm
    For the first time since Cynthia Busch, acting chair of the Broward Democratic Executive Committee, dismissed Michael Howson, the DEC’s former executive director has spoken out.
    Howson sent out an email to 30 prominent Democrats Thursday, giving his take on how and why he lost his job. The list of recipients included Henry Crespo, Alan Clendenin, Hazelle Rogers, Corey Shearer, Christine Jones, Sen. Nan Rich and Leslie Wimes.
    Howson insists he was a victim of discrimination when he was sacked earlier this month, and calls for her resignation.
    Here’s the full text of Howson’s email:
    “I WAS the first black, openly gay executive director of the Broward Democratic Party. And then Cyntha Busch fired me…
    “At the beginning of May I was chosen by the chair of the Broward Democratic Party to fill the vacancy of our sole employee position. From the very first day that Chairman (Mitch) Ceasar announced that I would succeed Ms. Tamara Ayon executive director of the party, Mrs. Cynthia Busch (first vice chair, now acting chair) fought it tooth and nail.
    “The chair was confident in me because I was groomed by the previous executive director; I’ve been a DEC precinct committeeman, a board member for the local Black caucus and LGBT caucus as well as an activist and professional organizer for the past four years.
    “Yet, Mrs. Busch immediately asserted I was unqualified; she fought to change my job, effectively relegating me to the role of a secretary, reducing my pay so that Travis Perron could be hired as the “political director”. Now that Mitch has taken leave to run for our county clerk of courts, she has leaped at the chance to get rid of me.
    “Some say this is just ‘politics as usual,’ because I’m “Mitch’s guy”; but when I joined the DEC in 2012, it was under Mrs. Busch’s leadership; I voted for her over Mitch. Even as late as last year, still considering myself a supporter of hers, I worked to get her presentation opportunities at the black and LGBT caucuses when she was running the Children’s Services Council campaign.
    “Mrs. Busch claims that firing me is a matter of funding, that “the party simply cannot afford” my salary; yet she is paying her chosen (heterosexual, Caucasian) man approximately ten thousand dollars more than my salary to do the job that our 2nd Vice Chair, Christine Jones (who is a black woman, also the only black officer of the party) was elected to do.
    “Let’s be clear. Cynthia Busch fired me because I am Black and gay, thus unworthy of representing and managing the party.
    “Her judgment is off, and exemplifies the kind of marginalization and disrespect that black and LGBT Americans encounter in this country every day. If the BDP is short on resources, she should have “laid off” Mr. (Travis) Perron. Mrs. Busch may be a good organizer, however not only does she not value the contribution of black or LGBT Democrats to the party, but also lacks the leadership skills and fundraising capacity of our chairman, Mitch Ceasar, who has held this party together for the better part of two decades. As a matter of fact, she as yet to raise any funds at all for the party.
    “I cannot and will not tolerate the policy of discrimination of a party ‘leader’ that takes my being, and my vote, for granted. Her supporters say a new day for BDP is here. I say the new day will start when Cynthia Busch resigns as acting chair of the Broward Democratic Party.”
    “Michael ‘Magic Mike’ Howson
    “Democratic precinct committeeman, H003
    “Board member, Democratic Black Caucus
    “Board member, Dolphin Democrats LGBT Caucus”

  3. Chaz Stevens, Genius says:

    Personally speaking, the word “Bush” never plays well around me.

  4. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    Broward Democrats Have a Deepening ‘Black Problem’
    August 17, 2015 – 12:00am

    Michael Howson, former operations director of the Democratic Executive Committee of Broward County, has told party insiders he is days away from filing a race discrimination lawsuit against the DEC for firing him because he is black. News of Howson’s situation late last week widened the rift between Broward’s black community and the party. And now Howson’s response — his decision to fight back — is spreading quickly through the county.
    Forty percent of Broward DEC’s members are black.
    Howson was the only black member of the office’s staff. Now there is none. The only African-American of rank at the Broward DEC is its second vice chair, Christine Jones.
    Howson’s dismissal from the $22,000-a-year job came almost immediately after Broward Party Chairman Mitch Caesar stepped aside last week to run for Broward clerk of courts. It was Caesar who had hired and groomed Howson.
    Cynthia Busch, first vice chair and now the DEC’s acting chairwoman, made Howson one of the first orders of business in her new capacity. Democratic insiders say Busch and her state committeemen allies, Ken Evans and Maggie Davidson, have always considered Howson a Ceasar loyalist who is very expendable.
    Neither Evans nor Davidson returned Sunshine State News’ phone calls Sunday.
    But Busch told SSN, “Michael wasn’t fired, he was laid off. … We have a significantly lower operating account this year than last, and we just could no longer fund the position.”
    She said, “I spoke with the state party, and of course the treasurer, before I made the decision, and in my capacity that’s my decision to make — I’m allowed to make that decision.”
    She added, “We are absolutely committed to hiring minorities.”
    And earlier Sunday redbroward.com reported, “Howson is a well-regarded activist in the African-American and LGBT communities. Busch admitted the move angered rank and file Democrats. ‘There are people who are friends with him who are Democrats who are upset,’ Busch conceded.”
    But Corey Shearer, president of the Broward County Democratic Black Caucus, wasn’t buying the “just laid off” line. Here’s what an impassioned Shearer wrote in an essay emailed to a long list of Democrats and hand-delivered to the party’s state committeemen:
    “This week, the less expensive, large, Black, openly gay, outspoken but yet still quite service-oriented young man of great experience but also of great youth, was replaced with the more expensive, tall, slender white guy who is more subdued and highly customer service-oriented although seemingly slightly less experienced. This was primarily for budget reasons as the DEC was burning through a lot of money attempting to keep both. The one let go, “The Black Guy” was making considerably less than the one who was retained and will step up into both and all positions, “The White Guy.” And, obviously, this stinks for “The Black Guy.” But, it also smells funny to the Black community.”
    “The White Guy” Shearer is talking about is Travis Perron, hired with the help of Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant, for a salary of $30,000 a year. Busch said Howson’s and Perron’s positions are nor similar, therefore Perron was not hired to “replace” Howson. Perron was hired as the DEC’s political director, she said.
    Shearer also believes Busch and “others in the firing party” knew full well the ruckus they were causing because they skirted around Second Vice Chair Jones — not just in the Howson matter but they generally make a habit of excluding her in DEC business matters.
    He stated in his essay, Jones “was left out of the discussion on this change in the DEC office. For a while, she didn’t even have a key to the office and has been routinely left out of the loop even though she is the direct liaison to the Area Leaders and thus the committee people (the actual DEC) as well. BAD POLITICS.”
    Insiders say Busch set up her “Howson purge” in a July 23 email to Caesar, state committeemen and FDP leaders, abhoring Howson’s rule-breaking practice of consorting with the 501(c)3 group Dream Defenders in the DEC office.
    “I am particularly upset that Michael is as of Monday flagrantly disregarding this directive and asserting that he does not wish to follow our policy as the Chair stated it at the meeting,” Busch wrote. “He is also winding up members of the Black Caucus and encouraging volunteers in the office to berate our political director and call him a racist for trying to make sure the office is run in a professional manner.

    “This is a very serious problem and is possible grounds for punitive action under BDP and FDP bylaws,” she wrote.
    Shearer did not say in his essay if he would assist Howson in taking a wrongful termination action based on race discrimination against the Broward DEC. He concluded his essay with a plea:
    “… We urge that all elected or appointed members of the DEC or its committees/subcommittees be included on issues under their purview and that they never be left out because they may have a passionate response or entrenched opinion on the subject matter.
    “In addition, whenever there is an issue or discussion toward action, the decision-makers should draw from the diverse membership of our party, reflecting “The Big Tent” that the Democratic Party truly is.”
    Contacted late Sunday, Leslie Wimes, founder of the Florida Democratic African American Women’s Caucus, said, “This is all really sad and, frankly, disgusting. But it’s what I’ve been saying for more than two years. The Florida Democratic Party has to clean up its act, end its own racism which it can never admit to, before it can point fingers at the Republicans. This is just another indication of why the DAAWC continues to add disillustioned voters in Broward County to our membership roster and why black voters in Democrat-rich South Florida will keep on underperforming at the polls.
    Reach Nancy Smith at nsmith@sunshinestatenews.com or at 228-282-2423. Twitter: @NancyLBSmith.”
    Has anyone heard of the latest of Michel Howson’s potential “race discrimination lawsuit against the DEC for firing him because he is black”? Please inform us all here as soon as possible.

    From Dr. Brenda Snipes – Supervisor of Elections actual web site:


    “Candidates Information”
    “Political Committees”
    “Democratic Executive Committee (Active)”
    “Campaign Treasurers’ Report Expenditures – Itemized Deductions.”
    Page 5 of 6.
    Date: March 18, 2016
    Full name: Busch, Cynthia M.
    Amount: $6,358.62.
    Expenditure Type: MO
    Purpose: withdrawal”
    “Purpose: withdrawal” ??????
    Everyone knows it was a withdrawal. All expenditures are withdrawals.
    But what was the PURPOSE ???????????

    What was the real PURPOSE of this $6,358.62 withdrawal?

    None of the other 60 withdrawals, for the time period of 1/1/2016 – 3/31/2016 used the single word: “withdrawal” for Purpose.
    None of all of the 245 withdrawals, for the time period of 1/1/2015 – 12/31/2015 used the single word: “withdrawal” for Purpose.
    Once again we are talking about $6,358.62!
    Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Eight dollars and Sixty Two cents.”
    What was the REAL Purpose?

  5. Broward Dem Volunteer says:

    Mr Nevins you fail to mention that much of CD 22 is in Palm Beach where the winner lived. There is a great competition going on right now in the Democratic Party across the Country that will hopefully make our party stronger. We welcome all opinions and alliances, we are the big tent and Cynthia is entitled to her own delegate pledge. She probably considered it better odds than running against the many women who ran for Hillary in CD22.
    I was at the HQ last week and it was buzzing with activity. Democrats are more organized in Broward then they have been in years. More people participated in this delegate election in Broward than anywhere else in the State.
    Democrats raised 6 figures at their recent fundraiser which you failed to mention although you went on at length from your anonymous sources what a disaster that great event was. Broward Dems paid staff is growing as a result of that income, and the volunteer network is expanding and working hard.
    I am not sure what kind of beef you have with Mrs. Bush that you continue to bash her. Is it a favor to Dan Lewis who you continually praise, god knows why? Does Mitch think it is smart to criticize the new leadership? They have been kind enough not to publicly acknowledge some of the shortcomings of his executive leadership skills since he is in an election for just that purpose. I think Dan should concentrate on running his own campaigns which consist of trying to unseat our current Democratic Sheriff who is doing a terrific job. Maybe Dan will come out with more phony blue palm cards in November as an attempt to hoodwink voters to elect more non Democrats to office. Poor judgement of the former Dem boss to get into bed with a guy such as that.
    If you only want to Bash Dems who are working hard in Broward County without acknowledging any of their accomplishments that is your prerogative. Those of us who are working hard to elect Democrats in November know the truth.

  6. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    @3 I totally agree with you!
    From the Merriam-Webster dictionary.


    adjective \-ˌlēg\

    Simple Definition of BUSH–LEAGUE
    • : of very low quality
    • ***********************
    • bush-league

    Also found in: Thesaurus, Wikipedia.
    Related to bush-league: Busch league
    • bush-league
    • (bo͝osh′lēg′)
    • adj.
    • 1. Baseball Of or belonging to a minor league.
    • 2. Slang Of inferior or unprofessional quality; second-rate: a bush-league advertising campaign.

  7. Sam The Sham says:

    I would simply tell Howson to prove it. Then I would sue the living shit out of him for libel and slander.

    Busch will do nothing.

  8. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    #7 Sammy Stop being so stupid!!!
    Michael Howson has NO MONEY!

    It looks like that Cynthia Busch paid Black and Gay Michael Howson just $773.15 every two weeks. (August 28, 2015.)
    It looks like that Cynthia Busch is paying White and Straight Travis Perron $1,194.25 every two weeks. (November 18, 2015)

    $1,194.25 – $773.15 = $421.10.
    $421.10 / $773.15 = 54.47%


  9. Lisa Ferreri says:

    Guess you forgot to mention me in the Clerk of Courts Election as a Non Party Affiliate


    The article was about the Democratic primary. Based on Broward’s history, the winner of the Democratic primary will be the next clerk.

  10. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    Hi #9 Lisa Ferreri,
    I see from Dr Brenda Snipes SOE web site that it shows that your campaign has brought in a total of $5,426.00. Of which you yourself loaned $4,000.00 to your own campaign.

    That means $1,426.00 of other people’s money.

    I suggest you get off your butt and work to bring in more money!


  11. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    @9 Miss Ferreri you are doing what PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT GOVERNMENT DO – RUN FOR OFFICE OR SPEAK N WRITE LETTERS OR VOLUNTEER OR CONTRIBUTE TO CAMPAIGN not insult people using fake names like @10

  12. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    #11 I am just reporting Facts! Do you have a problem with FACTS? I am reporting that this candidate has just brought in $1,426.00. I sense you are a bit upset about this fact. Please lay down and tell us why.

  13. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    @12 is obviously a Roger Stone minion trying to make Democrats look like idiots.

  14. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    @13 – Count LF can’t handle the truth.
    It is so sad that when one makes a simple comment like:
    “Hi #9 Lisa Ferreri,
    I see from Dr Brenda Snipes SOE web site that it shows that your campaign has brought in a total of $5,426.00. Of which you yourself loaned $4,000.00 to your own campaign.

    That means $1,426.00 of other people’s money.

    I suggest you get off your butt and work to bring in more money!


    Count LF needs to attack. Such a shame!

    Since Count LF appears that he has nothing to do all day, maybe he will research and answer the questions in #4:

    “Has anyone heard of the latest of Michel Howson’s potential “race discrimination lawsuit against the DEC for firing him because he is black”? Please inform us all here as soon as possible.

    From Dr. Brenda Snipes – Supervisor of Elections actual web site:


    “Candidates Information”
    “Political Committees”
    “Democratic Executive Committee (Active)”
    “Campaign Treasurers’ Report Expenditures – Itemized Deductions.”
    Page 5 of 6.
    Date: March 18, 2016
    Full name: Busch, Cynthia M.
    Amount: $6,358.62.
    Expenditure Type: MO
    Purpose: withdrawal”
    “Purpose: withdrawal” ??????
    Everyone knows it was a withdrawal. All expenditures are withdrawals.
    But what was the PURPOSE ???????????

    What was the real PURPOSE of this $6,358.62 withdrawal?

    None of the other 60 withdrawals, for the time period of 1/1/2016 – 3/31/2016 used the single word: “withdrawal” for Purpose.
    None of all of the 245 withdrawals, for the time period of 1/1/2015 – 12/31/2015 used the single word: “withdrawal” for Purpose.
    Once again we are talking about $6,358.62!
    Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Eight dollars and Sixty Two cents.”
    What was the REAL Purpose?

    If Count LF can achieve this, I will be most impressed!

  15. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    With Donald Trump nearly even with Hillary Clinton in Florida what the heck does @14 do to help the Clinton Campaign do EXCEPT TURN OFF party of the Democratic Party n make Independents think the Clinton supporters are navel gazing nut jobs

  16. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    Cory Booker to headline Florida Dems Leadership Blue Gala in Hollywood next month
    MITCH PERRY – Florida Politics
    May 25, 2016 5:00 PM
    Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant announced Wednesday that New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker will speak at the party’s 2016 Leadership Blue Gala on June 18 in Hollywood.
    “As the largest swing state in the nation, Florida will play a determining role in stopping Donald Trump and returning the Senate to Democratic hands,” Booker said in a statement. “While we know the work ahead won’t be easy, I know Sunshine State Democrats are fired up and ready to deliver Florida for the third time in a row. I look forward to seeing you this June as we continue to move our country forward.”
    Cory Booker to headline Florida Dems Leadership Blue Gala
    On Wednesday, Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant announced that New Jersey Senator Cory Booker will speak at the 2016 Leadership Blue Gala on June 18th in Hollywood, Florida. Additional speakers and planning details will follow in the coming weeks.
    I wonder how many days it will take for Acting Chair Broward Democratic Executive Cynthia Busch will announce this most important event on the Broward DEC web site! She lost her campaign to be a Sanders delegate to Philly. What a complete loser Busch is!

  17. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    @15, here is your answer:
    To remove Acting Chair Broward DEC Cynthia Busch from office. She is a follower of Bernie. Yet she lost her campaign to be a Bernie delegate in Philly this summer.

    From Dr. Brenda Snipes – Supervisor of Elections actual web site:
    “Candidates Information”
    “Political Committees”
    “Democratic Executive Committee (Active)”
    “Campaign Treasurers’ Report Expenditures – Itemized Deductions.”
    Page 5 of 6.
    Date: March 18, 2016
    Full name: Busch, Cynthia M.
    Amount: $6,358.62.
    Expenditure Type: MO
    Purpose: withdrawal”

    Cynthia, what was this $6,358.20 used for?

  18. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    Concerning #16.
    It is May 26, 2016 at 12:20 PM.
    Still no word from Busch about the Blue Gala event!
    Is she still crying that she lost her election to be a Bernie delegate in Philly?


    Cynthia Busch was elected a PLEO Delegate for Bernie Sanders last weekend and will be “representing” Broward. So who’s the loser now, Joseph?



    Here is the big question: Busch always could ask to be appointed a delegate as the acting Broward Democratic Chair. So why did she bother running in an election against another Democratic activist to become a delegate?

    Either she (1) Didn’t know she was eligible to be appointed, which shows an amazing lack of political knowledge, or (2) wanted to keep the other Democratic activist from being a delegate because of some arcane feud.

  20. Ha Ha Ha says:

    A few relevant facts that all here seem to overlook:

    * Congressional District 22 is a sprawling mess which runs from Weston to Fort Lauderdale then goes north to Boca Raton and all the way up to Riviera Beach.

    * Most of Congressional District 22 is in Palm Beach County – not Broward.

    * Hillary Keyes, the person elected instead of Cynthia Busch, is a Democratic activist in Palm Beach County who ran the Palm Beach County For Bernie group on Facebook and is thus very well known among Bernie boosters in Palm Beach County, which is where most of the Congressional District 22 voters live.

    As for why Busch would run to be the district level delegate, it makes sense to do that if you live in the district and want to be a delegate. If that doesn’t work, then PLEO, At Large and Alternate delegate positions provide further opportunities.

    Buddy not only fails to understand all of this, but also falsely claims that Busch was “appointed” as a PLEO delegate. In reality, the PLEO, At Large and Alternate delegates are all ELECTED. The voters in the PLEO, At Large and Alternate delegate elections are the District Level Delegates – including Hillary Keyes.

  21. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    Thank you Mr Nevins for explaining things.

  22. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    @19. Once again Buddy is so right!
    Cynthia Busch campaigned as a Sander’s delegate AND LOST to take a spot from a more deserving female Democrat. This proves that Busch has no support; even though she is the highest ranking Democrat in all of Broward County. Over 550,000 Democrats are registered in Broward County and Busch STILL LOST!
    Busch campaigned not knowing that another female, Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant, located 100’s of miles away in Tallahassee MAY appoint her. Again Busch LOST in her campaign!
    The talk all over Broward County is that Tant HAD to appoint Busch for the following lame reasons:
    1) Failure Female Tant was helping out another Failure Female Busch. Tant and Busch led the way to allow GOP Governor Rick Scott to win re-election less than 2 years ago. Birds of a feather!
    2) Failure Tant agreed with Failure Busch in the firing of Black and Gay Mr. Michel Howson by Busch.
    3) Failure Tant continues to cover up what Failure Busch did with $6,358.62.
    From Dr. Brenda Snipes – Supervisor of Elections actual web site:
    “Candidates Information”
    “Political Committees”
    “Democratic Executive Committee (Active)”
    “Campaign Treasurers’ Report Expenditures – Itemized Deductions.”
    Page 5 of 6.
    Date: March 18, 2016
    Full name: Busch, Cynthia M.
    Amount: $6,358.62.
    Expenditure Type: MO
    Purpose: withdrawal”
    Cynthia, what was this $6,358.20 used for?

  23. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    This is obvious a friend of the man fired by Cynthia Bush (I think firing the man was a mistake n handled badly with unconvincing explanations) and I base this assumption on syntex and parallel wordings by the man’s “friends”

  24. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Just to further illustrate how totally lame the complaints here at BrowardBeat about Cynthia Busch are…

    * People complained that Busch had closed the old Headquarters office. Busch said she was going to open a new, larger office, but nobody here believed that. Well, on April 10th the new, larger office had its Grand Opening. And not a peep from BrowardBeat about the event! You can see the details and a few photos in this Tamarac Talk article:


    “The former offices had only 500 square feet”, said Broward Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) Chair Cynthia Busch. “We couldn’t function there, and couldn’t have more than three or four people there. We were very limited in what we could accomplish.” Now located at 8320 West Sunrise Boulevard on the second floor of an office strip center in Plantation, the new location has 1,400 square feet with several offices. Busch said that there is now plenty of room for many people, along with all the phone banking they need to do.

    More news and much more photography from the Grand Opening of the new Democratic Party Headquarters was posted on Cynthia Busch’s Facebook page (scroll down to April 10th in the Events list):


    * People complained that Busch would not say how much money was raised after the Broward Democratic Party Victory Dinner. However, a news release was posted on the Broward Democratic Party website on March 29th which clearly stated that over $120,000 was raised:


    The 2016 Broward Democratic Party Victory Dinner was a resounding success. We had an outstanding turnout – Almost 500 people attended and over $120,000 was raised at the event.

    It seems that the real losers are all the Busch critics who are just too lazy, or just aren’t smart enough, or both, to find – and understand – the facts that contradict their provably absurd beliefs!


    I would have written about the opening of the new HQ. The party did not share the news of the event with me until I read about it in Tamarac Talk.

  25. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    @24 I am a critic of Cynthia Bush n am neither lazy or a loser as I WON MY RACES for Democratric Party or Public Offices. I also dont BLOG UNDER A FAKE NAME!

  26. Ha Ha Ha says:

    Regarding the $6,358.20 withdrawal on March 18th, the purpose of that withdrawal seems completely obvious…


    2/17/2016 – Payment of $1,187.36 to Windsor Park LP for “february office rent”

    2/29/2016 – Payment of $585.00 to Uncle Charlie’s Moving Company for “office move”

    3/18/2016 – Payment of $6,358.62 to Busch, Cynthia M for “withdrawal”

    3/21/2016 – Payment of $30,523.98 to Hyatt Pier 66 for “victory dinner” (probably rent)

    3/29/2016 – Payment of $6,324.81 to Hyatt Pier 66 for “unity dinner” (probably food)

    3/30/2016 – Payment of $-230.96 to Windsor Park LP for “office rent refund”

    Conspicuously missing: any kind of payment for the NEW office space which was TRIPLE the size of the old office space. And what would that amount be? Well, the old office space cost $1,187.36 per month. So triple that, and then doubling it because typically the first and last month’s rent has to be paid in advance when you move into a new place, we get $7,124.16.

    Gee, is there any listed expense comparable to $7,124.16 which could possibly be the first and last month’s rent payment for the new office space? What, oh what could it be?!?

    Obviously, it’s the “3/18/2016 – Payment of $6,358.62″ about which HillaryIn2016And2020 so regularly whines…

  27. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    #24: “The 2016 Broward Democratic Party Victory Dinner was a resounding success. We had an outstanding turnout – Almost 500 people attended and over $120,000 was raised at the event.”

    But how much was the PROFIT?!?!?

  28. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    Hillary Clinton Supporters in FLORIDA.

    I wonder why we don’t see Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant & Acting Broward Chair Cynthia Busch on this list.
    Reason #1) They don’t want Failure Tant!
    Reason #2) They don’t want Failure Busch!
    Reason #3) See #1 & #2.

    4830 Atlantic Blvd, Jacksonville …opened Feb. 17, 2016
    801 Arthur Godfrey Rd., Miami Beach …opened Feb. 22, 2016
    IUPAT Hall, 2153 W. Oak Ridge Rd, Orlando …opened Feb. 17, 2016
    50 NE 26th Ave., Suite 204, Pompano Beach (Broward Co.) …opened Feb. 10, 2016
    ? news reports not confimed: Tallahassee, West Palm Beach
    2010 N Avenida Republica De Cuba, Tampa …opened March 2, 2016
    …according to Tampa Bay Business Journal the Tampa office was the campaign’s 8th grassroots organizing office in Florida
    Press Secretary Mahen Gunaratna
    (reported by the Miami Herald on Jan. 27, 2016) Director of research and media analysis for NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio from Jan. 2014; research director on New Yorkers for de Blasio, Mar.-Nov. 2013. New Mexico/Arizona communications director on Obama for America. Communications director for Rep. Frederica Wilson, 2011. Research director on Kendrick Meek for Florida, Fall 2010. Press secretary to Rep. Kendrick Meek, 2009-10. Press intern for Sen. Charles Shumer, 2008-09. B.S. in international politics from Georgetown University, 2008. twitter
    Florida Leadership Council
    (announced Nov. 17, 2015)
    over 150 top Florida officials including…
    U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson
    Former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham
    U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown
    U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor
    U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch
    U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel
    U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson
    U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings
    U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy
    U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson
    State Senate Democratic Leader Arthenia Joyner
    Democratic House Leader State Representative Mia Jones
    Incoming Democratic House Leader State Representative Janet Cruz
    DNC Member Jon Ausman
    DNC Member Mitchell Ceasar
    DNC Member Bret Berlin
    DNC Member Joe Falk
    DNC Member Annette Taddeo
    DNC Member Tony Hill
    DNC Member Angel Gomez

  29. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    With Mrs. CLinton and Mr. Trump neck and neck Nationally and here in Florida who cares about Mrs. Bush’s activities or Mrs. Tant”s? Democrats should CARE ABOUT DEFEATING MR. TRUMP. HilliaryIn2016and2020 is diverting Democrats who support Mrs. Clinton from side, no, just plain none issues! How much is Mr. Trump paying HilliardIn2016and2020 to waste Mrs. Clinton’s supporters time and energies on what is obviously a personal vendetta that has NO PLACE IN POLITICS or LIFE!

  30. HillaryIn2016And2020 says:

    Our President Obama just endorsed Hillary Clinton just a few hours ago.
    When will Failure Cynthia do the same?
    When will Failure Tant do the same?

    Time to UNITE Failure Cynthia.
    Show us the way Failure Cynthia. Chair of the Broward DEC, become a leader Failure Cynthia.

    oooops….. make that:
    ACTING Chair of the Broward DEC, become a leader Failure Cynthia.